❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 ❄️

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Nobody's POV

In Erwins's office their was a meeting going on. He had called all of the higher up's to discuss the next expedition. By his side was his second in command and his bodyguard (F/N) (L/N). She stood with pride next to her superior. She was easily one of the strongest in this room due to her powers. Even without her powers she was still the strongest. Her powers were just a bonus which helped everyone out even more.

"Thank you for attending this meeting. I have called you all here in discussion of the upcoming expedition which will take place in two days. Does anyone have any objections?" He called out looking around the room. Nobody said anything and he just nodded.

"This meeting has ended you may all go now" Everyone stood up and saluted him before leaving. Before (F/N) could leave Erwin called her back.

"Sir is there something you would like to discuss with me?" She gave him a curious look whilst he had a serious expression on his face.

Your POV

"Yes there is please take a seat" He pointed to the seat in front of him so I obliged and sat down ready to listen to what he had to say. "I want you to keep watch of the new cadets Levi Ackerman, Farlan Church and Isabel Magnolia" I nodded and looked at him.

"Is there a reason as to why you want me to watch over them?" He nodded and placed his hands under his chin for support. His blue eyes staring into my (E/C) ones intently.

"When we captured them in the underground they knew we were coming, someone sent them a job request. Although I'm not sure what their motives are but I know they plan to take an important document that I have sent off and they plan to kill me" When he said the last part anger burst throughout my body.

"I'll kill that son of a bitch myself" Erwin told me to sit back down so I did. My expression had changed to an angry one and I had accidentally turned the room temperature down.

"I know that you're angry but please try to contain your emotions until further notice. I feel like the trio will make their move in the expedition. Try to get along with them for the time being. They'll probably get themselves killed anyway with their attitude especially Levi. Also in the expedition you'll be accompanying Flagons squad that way you'll be able to see what they do. Your dismissed" I nodded and walked out the office.

I walked to the training area to see where Flagons squad were. If I'm going to be doing this then I need to interact with the squad more. This means taking part in training and other social activities. I sighed knowing that this may be a waste of my time.

"Better to follow his orders than do nothing I suppose" I mumbled to myself. After a while of walking I made it to the training field. Flagon and his squad didn't notice me coming so I decided to watch from a far.

As I observed his squad I saw a familiar raven haired boy with rare steel-blue eyes. It seemed as though he was giving Flagon a hard time. I rolled my eyes and went to the stables to grab my horse.

When I went to the stables I saw a familiar girl with red hair. Shes the girl who was with them two boys. So she must be Isabel Magnolia.

She was stroking and taking care of her grey horse. I glanced at her from the side as I started at the stable which was closed by a door with my horses name on it.

"Winter... That's a nice name" I looked at the side to see the owner of the voice that just spoke to me. My eyes landed on a red haired girl with big green eyes. She had a bright smile as she held onto the brush with her hands.

"Uh thank you" I said awkwardly. She smiled and walked closer to the stable in which I presumed was curiosity.

"If you don't mind asking miss how should I address you. Since I'm new here and from the underground I don't really know how to address superiors. Plus I've never met you until this morning in the mess hall. Oh and my names Isabel Magnolia in case you didn't know!" I looked at her with a blank expression in my eyes.

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