❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 ❄️

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Your POV

As he was about to punch Levi I shot a ball of snow at Flagon's head to distract him. He stopped his punch mid way and wiped the snow off of his head.

"Who the fu-" Before he could finish his sentence he was greeted by my fearful glare. My (E/C) eyes burning holes into his own.

"O-Oh commander (L/N) I didn't realise you were there. What brings you here today?" He looked over my shoulder to see Isabel behind me. He scowled but slowly retracted his eyes back to my fierce ones that never left his head.

"I'll be joining your squad during the expedition. Erwins orders so I decided to take a ride and see how your squad were doing. I bumped into Magnolia here whilst she was finishing her horse riding." He nodded slowly and put his hand down from Levi's face.

"Ah I see we're glad to have you working with us, I apologise for my behaviour you caught me at a bad time" He glanced behind him looking at Levi who had a scowl in his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance.

"Bad time? It looked like you were about to punch a cadet who was stood there doing nothing" I got off of my horse and told Isabel to get off of hers and go train. I grabbed ahold of both of the horses reigns and walked towards the two boy's.

"Ackerman here was being a smartass like usual. Ever since he cane here he's been nothing but trouble ma'am" He said whilst not looking at Levi anymore. I pushed Flagon aside and walked to Levi. I let go of the horses and let them stand there.

"So your one of the thugs that I heard about?" I looked him in the eyes. His scowl deepened as I said this. He was about to move forward until a tall blonde haired man held him back and started to scold him.

"Levi what are you doing! That's the second commander she's underneath Erwin's rank, you can't just go ahead and assault her!" The raven haired man calmed down and sighed keeping the scowl on.

"That's right. If you were to assault me you would easily get punished worse than a lower ranking solider would. So I suggest you calm the fuck down and explain what happened here" I crossed my arms and looked at both boy's. I knew that Isabel was silently panicking from the commotion.

"Tch. The brat started it I'm just going along with it." He had an emotionless voice that was enough to scare people away. But not me.

"What did Flagon say to nearly punch you cadet?" I raised an eyebrow and got closer to him. I could sense his anger from where I was stood. He was clearly pissed at what Flagon had said to him.

"The shit called me an underground rat. I got angry made a sarcastic remark and there you go. You just so happened to see it all" I rolled my eyed and looked at Flagon. I told the tall man who I assumed was Farlan to release Levi.

"Let me tell you this now squad leader. Treat them with respect or I'll strip you from your title. If I ever hear you insult them or make a comment about them. I swear on wall Maria I'll freeze your ass do I make myself clear?" My deadly glare clearly scared him shitless because I could see him shaking a little. He saluted and nodded.

"Yes ma'am" He looked down and was waiting to be dismissed.

"Now get out of my sight and you Ackerman will be coming with me along with the rest of your friends" I grabbed ahold of Winter and Isabels horse and started to walk away.

Levi's POV

I watched as she walked away with the horses and didn't bother looking back. I clicked my tongue and went to Isabel.

"Brat come on that woman wants her in her office" Isabel's face lit up when I said this. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards her office.

"Levi you need to be careful with what you do around here remember, we're here for a purpose don't forget that" I didn't bother turning around and looking at Farlan as he said that. I kept walking forward wanting to get the day over with.

After a while of searching around this big ass place after a while we finally found the commanders office. Farlan knocked on the door three times and waited for a reply. After a few seconds a faint voice called us in.

We saluted and closed the door behind us. Her room was extremely clean to say she didn't look like the type of person who would care for hygiene. She was sat at her desk with a stack full of paperwork. I slightly shivered at the room temperature.

"Sorry that it's cold I just can't help it." She called out whilst looking at me who seemed to be the only one shivering. She signalled for us to drop the salute and listen.

"What did you call us for ma'am?" Farlan asked. Her eyes lit up as she prepared to talk again.

"I just wanted to tell you that you're all different from the others. Also I just wanted to say watch your backs. You never know who's out there to fill get you" She put down her pen and placed her hand out. Suddenly something appeared and was circling around it.

"Oh wow! What is that?" Isabel chirped. I looked at the thing dancing around her hand and sighed knowing that she was going to take forever.

"It's called a snowflake. Normally they are so small nobody can see them. They only appear in winter which is when it snows. I have powers that represent the season basically" My face wore a bored expression but my eyes were full of interest, this woman keeps surprising me. She's different from the others.

"So you have magic powers!" I placed a hand on my ear where Isabel had just screamed in. The (H/C) haired woman lips curled up the tiniest bit. Not anyone could just recognise it, she's like me.

"Exactly I was born with magic powers. Well sorry to cut this short but I need to finish this paperwork" We all nodded and headed for the door. When I opened it she called out again like she had forgot something.

"Oh I almost forgot! I'll be training you from tomorrow so you're prepared the upcoming expedition". We all nodded went out of the room shutting the door behind us.

"She's so cool isn't she Levi-bro!" The over enthusiastic red head exclaimed. I nodded my head and walked towards the mess hall.

"She's interesting that's for sure"

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