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"Mike, are you scared of your boss?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake! Rose cut the crap and chill out."

"How can I chill, when I cannot do what I want to do. I really curse that moment when I took number of Mary from you."

"There is a showroom "Heaven in Pool" go buy yourself a sexy bikini for tomorrow's party." Stopping the car in front of a damn expensive shop, Mike ordered.

"I need to go to a hotel not to any bikini shop. You are taking me there. Tell your boss he can make his wife wear it." I did not budge from my seat. "Now you are taking me to the hotel or shall I manage on my own." Not waiting for his reply I got out of the car. Took my bag and walked towards the road to wait for cab.

"Rose wait," Mike came out rushing from his car.

"What the fuck! Rose get in the car."

"Nope I won't. Go and tell your boss I don't care." After some arguments Mike agreed.

"Ok, fine you win, let me drop you at the hotel. Get in the car."

"You are a gem Mike." And I got back in the car.

He took me to George street and there I booked into 'The Mercury' hotel.

Mike waited at the lobby. We have decided to spend the day as decided. After checking in I put my bag there and went out with Mike.

"Thank you so much Mike, It seems to be a nice hotel." I told Mike in car.

"Hmmm" was his reply.

He took me to Nixon Plaza, Mary's favourite place. I indulged myself into a pair of sandles. We spent almost 2 hours there, It was late afternoon when we left..

Mike, you really had a big time crush on Mary. Does she know your feelings?"

"No, are you kidding? I work for her brother. She is into riches. I am no match for her. Moreover, I am planning to shift to Dubai next year as my parents are settled there.

"But Mike you should have taken a chance maybe you get lucky."

"Right step at the right time will be taken. Leave this, you tell me how's your life?" He tried to change the topic.

Seeing his mood I also quit the topic.

"Well I am trying to get a job that's why I am here and two more interviews are lined up. Let's see where my destiny takes me, right now out of job."

"Do you know the company you have given interview have business dealings with Spencer's group of companies? That is why I was there on that day to sign a new deal, when I met you." Mike enlightened me.

"That's cool."

"At breakfast table Jay asked Meg to invite Eady you remember. She is the owner of this company Eady Dickinson, 32 year old widow of Mr. Dickinson. He died in an accident 2 years back. Jay is her newfound shoulder to cry. She had her mind set on wooing Jay with her newly found freedom I think." Mike explained.

"But I thought he is married. I saw him with a boy today." I inquired.

"No he is not married. Have you lost your mind? Where this wife has come in? He is the most wanted bachelor of Halifax. You should also give it a try." Mike winked.

"That must be Tim, Eady Dickinson's son. Dickinson and Jay were child buddies. Jay is his godfather. After Tim's father died he was handled by Jay. Tim loves Jay like father and viceversa. He has taken him many times with him to tours alone.

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