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The bell rang, I stood up to open the door. Mary stood there. But the real fuck was that Jay stood behind her wearing one of his business suit.

"Mary, what a pleasant surprise!?" And we hugged each other. Inside I was so jittery.

"Hi Jay. Please come in both of you." He just nodded and entered along with Mary.

"Mom, Mom look who is here?"

"Coming darling." Mom came from kitchen.

Entering the room she looked at them but could not recognise them

"Mom she is Mary Spencer and he is Jay Spencer her brother."

"Hello, Mrs. Howard" Jay greeted mom so did Mary.

"Please sit down both of you. I am so thankful to you the way you helped my daughter last year when she was in your town." She addressed to both of them.

"It was nothing Mrs. Spencer, being Mary's friend she holds a special place for us too. Would you mind giving me a glass of water please. I am in a hurry, have an important meeting." Jay spoke to mom in his best charming way.

"Yes, sure. Rose please make them sit." And she left.

My heart thuding rapidly.
"Please...." I was cut in by Mr. Know all.

"Rose I am leaving Mary with you and be back by 6 in the evening to take both of you out for dinner. Please make sure you both are ready by that time and no change of plans or else the repurcussion will not be good." He spoke in one breath because mom was about to enter. Then he turned around and was out of the house in a jiffy.

My whole body was trembling on understanding his apparant threat. I wanted to be alone with Mary now and have to deviate her from what ever she had planned.

Once in my room Mary was like an angry tigress just like her brother. Her pacing has started.

"How dare he threatens you?"

"Forget that you know your brother can do anything. But why don't you talk to your mom and dad and clear it out."

'I did that. They have no issues but they support Jay's logic. Jay wants to transfer some shares in Mike name and make him an active board member of our business to level Mike up to our family status and marry afterwards. Mike do not want any of this. Mike and I can settle down in Dubai. I can also work there. I have experience. But it hurts his ego why a Spencer's girl should work when she has her own company and big shares of her own."

"That is unreasonable from your angle but as a parent's point of view it is justfied. Think before you take any step."

"Are you on Jay's side? Even thou you are I don't mind now situation has gone out of my hands." She looked at me with a surprise look.

"Don't bullshit Mary, I am simply telling you my opinion. What situation you are talking about?" I asked calmly.

"Rose you help me or not I am leaving. In last week I had lot many arguments with Jay, somehow he also understood that he can not restrict me, but being a Spencer he cannot digest this mutiny." Saying this Mary grinned. "Rose, the moment I will reach Dubai I will call him myself and tell everything. He won't bother you."

Mom called out from downstairs, "Rose will you come down to take the tea and pancakes or shall I bring them up. I am getting late for Marverick's tea invite. Come down and take it."

"It's okay you get going mom, I ll bring them up."

"You clean your bed, I will get them." Mary offered.

DANGEROUS IMPACTजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें