6) know me

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"there gone. And Abby will be here in ten." Dex says I nod and snap clothes on me but backwards i do it again and there normal.

"I always mess that up." I say I've been up here for about two weeks. I go get Abby breakfast do activity help her with school then her parents pick her up I take a shower grab clothes and come back up here. I would take a shower in the morning but they leaves a few before Abby comes.

"Did you eat." Dex says as Abby leaves.

"Yes" I say knowing it's a lie I haven't eaten or slept in two weeks.

"Ok we'll go take a shower they'll be here in an hour " he says I nod and go take a shower I wash my body and hair I turn go to turn the water off and everything gose black.


"Solar wake up." I hear and see a really big hand I get scared and hide behind the pillow. Wait I can hide behind a pillow, why can hide behind a pillow.

"Breath think of yourself as human." Angel say I obey and poof I'm human.

"Why didn't you tell us you weren't sleeping." He ask

"I didn't want you to get hurt for talking to me." I say he looks at me confused I explain what I heard.


" Please don't I already know I'm a fuck up. I'm surprised I didn't faint earlier." I say looking at my wrists and stomach.

"Can I go." I say trying not to cry.

"No solar, we had a doc check on you you haven't been eating." He says I look down at my hands in my lap.

"Please will you eat" he says putting eggs in front of me. I shake my head I don't like eggs and I'm not hungry.

"Maybe later I'm not a breakfast perfect." I said, I didn't lie.

"Ok you better eat later." He says I nod knowing I probably won't.

"Where did you go" he asks

"I wanted to leave......but I couldn't nothing in me was willing to leave. It's scary I don't want to leave but I don't want to stay and be a danger to others." I say tears starting to come down.

"Please let me go." I say he gose quite and shakes his head. I go to walk on the balcony but I'm shocked.

"I'm sorry." Angel says and disapears.

"I'm stuck, dex I'm trapped with four walls." I say pacing, I start hyperventilating, the rooms starts spinning and the door opens

"Shit your really scared of closed spaces." I hear and I start crying.

"This is wear you have been why didn't you say something. We can make this your own outside area." He says putting me on a side bed.

"Close your eyes, it will be better when you open" he says and darkness comes.

"We love you, we'll make sure your happy again." I hear echo before black consumed me.


"I've warned you princes that if she doesn't rest and relax she'll never heal ." I hear and open my eyes to Damion and the doctors. I start to shake and the doctors leave. Damion gose to leave, I don't want him to hate me don't hate me please.

"D...Damion" I say fighting tears he turn towards me I grab angel hiding. He reaches for me I jolt back he sighs and gose to turn I grab his arm and kiss his cheek. He smiles I hide back behind angel and Damion leaves.

"I didn't mean to hurt him." I say angel chuckles.

"You didn't hurt him, You made his day." He says I nod.

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