prepare for trouble , and make it double

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"Dad" came a familiar voice from across the room "that's yours" Harvey muttered not looking up from his police report "thanks for reminding me" I scoffed, sliding out from behind my desk.

I make my way over to the source of the voice "what's the matter sweetheart?" I sigh and rub a hand over my face "forget something?" Y/N jingles the keys to our apartment infront of my face "alright , alright I get it I'm forgetful" I pull the keys from Y/N's grasp.

"Butttttttttt what else did you forget?" A sly smile spreads over Y/N's face "it's not my birthday and it's not Lee's , so what could it be?" Y/N unfolds a letter and holds it up "oh yeah the day to see if I get into the police academy".

I skim over the letter to see if Y/N got in "oh my god , sweetheart you got in" I half shout before pulling Y/N into a tight hug "did little Gordon get in?" Harvey calls "hell yeah" Y/N  shouts back.

Harvey fist bumps the air and does a little dance before his face fell and realisation hit him like a brick "oh crap I'll be taking orders from two of ya" he slumps back into his chair.

Nygma appears from nowhere "two Gordon's what?" He places the files on our desk before looking over to us "oh hi Y/N" he waves awkwardly and smiles "sup Ed" Nygma looked shocked that Y/N had actually noticed him.

"Gotham won't know what hit it" Harvey said as we approached our desk "prepare for trouble" I grinned , sitting back down "and make it double" Y/N formed a gun with their fingers and pointed it at Harvey.

Harvey pretended to surrender "alright little Gordon you have fun with that" he mocked "I will" Y/N smiled.

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