that's my mother you popsicle

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Mom had died a few days ago at the hands of the GCPD. Anger boiled deep inside me but there was nothing I could do , with my mother and step uncle's gone there was nowhere I could go.

Selina had invited me to live with Ivy which I was grateful for but it wasn't the same.

"Hey I know you're like sad because your mom died but pengy and I were wondering of you wanted to come with us to meet a pyromaniac , we well I thought you could win them over with your blowtorch thingy" Ivy was her usual bubbly self and I couldn't exactly say no.

"Get a move on fire starter" Oswald called back as he hobbled down the tunnel "don't call me that" I half shouted following him and Ivy.

Ivy turned and smiles at me "see there's that bright spark" she grinned "if that was a pun , it wasn't very good" she shrugged and carried on walking.

Oswald and Ivy talked to some women while I gor distracted by their flamethrower. It looked surprisingly like my mothers "don't touch that" someone spat.

I turned and the air flew from my lungs "mom?" I breathed out. The women did the same as her red eyes scanned over me "yeah hugbug it's me" tears sting my eyes as I practically throw myself at her.

Being used to this , she caught me easily and pulled me tightly against her "oh my darling I've missed you" she whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry have I missed something" Oswald asked annoyed "bridget is Y/Ns mother" Ivy smiled and looked at the floor "I may or may not have know" she whispered "what" poor Oswald was looking around frantically.

He clearly didn't like being kept in the dark.

"Whatever just are you in or out?"

Mom had told me what happened to her on the way back to Oswald's house "hey sparky good to see you back" Fries smiled weakly when he saw me.

"You're not friends with ice cube are you?" My mother look angrier than I had ever seen her "maybe Y/N is what's it to you?" The pair powered up their weapons ready to aim it at each other.

I pushed myself between them "that's my mother you popsicle" I half shout at him.

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