I think I'm about to faint

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Jonathan hurriedly poured liquid into a jug to make his new fear toxin. He didn't notice his daughter/son walking up behind him.

"What the hell are you doing?" They asked looked at all the empty tubes and glasses scattered around the kitchen table "I hope you know that's the jug we use for juice".

Jonathan hushed at them while he carried on pouring the liquids. He was down to the last four containers "I'm trying to make a fear toxin that will explode" Y/N sat down on the chair opposite him as the mixture bubbled.

He added the last one and waited the two Cranes stared at it "I don't understand, it's ment to work , I measured it out" Jonathan was cut off as the jug exploded with a puff of smoke.

Jonathan jumped as the glass shards flew at him "it worked" he muttered "breath it in Y/N,  that's fresh fear toxin" he laughed wickedly.

Y/N wrinkled their nose as they read the bottle labels "nothing fresh about it" Jonathan hurried about trying to find his notebook which was placed on the table by him.

Y/N pointed to it while their father jumped on the sofa and started pulling the seat cushions up "dad" Y/N called. Jonathan turned around and smiled "thank you my little crow" he grinned.

His hand moved frantically as he tried to get all the bottles down and how much he put in it "when your done could you help me with my English homework" Y/N asked.

Jonathan nodded "yeah sure whatever" he breathed out . He was becoming redder by the second "dad you good?" Y/N asked.

Jonathan sucked in a breath before answering "could you call a doctor my little nightmare, I think I'm about to faint" as if on cue , Jonathan dropped to the floor with his notebook still in hand.

Y/N had opened a window when the gas went off so wasn't as affected by what he'd put in the jug. They began to read the labels and gasped when they found one labelled 'chloroform' "why can't you be like normal dads" they half shouted.

(That was the last of the one shots , keep sending your ideas in because I will get on them soon)

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