you are not my step-dad

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"Y/N come on he's not that bad" Lee called to her daughter/son who was hiding in their makeshift room. "He is , need I remind you that dad went to prison because of him" Y/N shot back.

Lee sighed and drummed her nails on the wall "I know darling" she muttered "it's still nice of him to drive you to Jim's" she countered.

Y/N muttered something that Lee couldn't hear before she swung the door open , backpack slung over one shoulder, looking more like Lee every day.

"Y/N Gordon-Tompkins don't look at me like that" Lee placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders and rubbed them as she walked.

"I know you don't like Ed but could you pretend to" she smiled, Lee hated to say this but Y/N was more like Jim in mind "please,  for me".

Y/N couldn't say no to Lee when she begged like that "fine but I'm not calling him dad" Y/N warned.

Edward started up the car as he waited for the pair , he adjusted his hat and tapped the steering wheel "hey squirt , ready to go?" He smiled at Y/N through the wing mirror.

"Ready whenever Ed" Y/N forced a smile which seemed to please Edward. The car journey to Jim's was silent but Edward tried to make conversation "ya like jazz?" He asked.

Y/N lifted their head from the window to look at him "what?" They asked , raising an eyebrow "I dunno apparently lot's of kids say it".

Y/N shrugged and tried to contain a laugh at how much Edward sounded like a grandparent. "How's your dad?" Edward asked on a whim.

"He's good , him and uncle Harvey are trying to get me into the police academy" Edward looked up for a second "does your mother know?" Y/N scoffed "do you think dad would even have the guts to ask?".

The car parked a few blocks from the GCPD so Ed wouldn't be spotted. He wound down his window as Y/N walked past "thanks Ed" they flashed him a smile.

"Anything for my step-daughter/son" he smiled , Y/N rolled their eyes while Ed held his fist out "you are not my step-dad and I only fist bump my dad".

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