Chapter 9

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"This was a very informative meeting. Thank you for having us." Carlisle said as we, Michele, Giusy, Myra, and Nico, walked the Cullens out of the house and said goodbye.

"Yes! Thank you for inviting us over!" Esme mused smiling brightly at us.

"It was wonderful having you. I am just glad we can get along and there won't be problems between the two of our families." I stated smiling at the matriarch and patriarch of the Cullen family.

"Us too." They agreed before walking off towards the car. Alice bounced over to me and gave me a hug.

"Thank you for the cookies Lucy! They were so tasty. We haven't eaten human food in decades." She cheered smiling up at me.

"Of course Alice. See you at school on Monday." I smiled down at the petite vampire. Jasper waved to me and bid my family goodbye before walking with Alice and Rosalie to the car. Before Emmett could speak his eyes shifted above us. I turned around to see what he was looking at. Charlotte was sticking her head out of her bedroom window on the third floor.

"Bye-bye big bear! Thank you for pushing me on the swing!" She yelled waving down at him, making me burst out laughing along with Myra.

"Bye Charlotte it was nice to meet you!" He yelled back at her waving, a large smile growing on his face. She smiled at him one more time before bringing her head back into her room.

"Thank you for having us!" Emmett said in a quieter tone, smiling at all of us before walking off to join his family. We waved them off before turning back to the house. Before I could take a step in the direction of the front door, Michele grabbed my wrist.

"Can we talk for a bit? I need to tell you something." He said looking at me with a serious expression on his face.

"Sure. Do you want to go on a walk?"

"Yeah. Hey G, we'll be back in a bit. Luz and I are going for a walk. We need some brother, sister time." He said looking over at our family. They nodded and continued going into the house, talking about everything that happened today and how much they did not want to clean up. Michele turned back to me and we started wandering down the road. We walked for a few minutes before I decided it was time for him to talk.

"So what's up?"

"I learned something today and I don't know what to believe." He sighed running a hand through his hair.

"What did you learn?" I asked confused. Normally Michele didn't take things to heart very easily, so if he was this focused on something it had to be big.

"You know how Alice can see the future, right?"

"Yeah, but it depends on what people choose to do. Why?"

The Rossi Coven [1] Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now