Chapter 12

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Time finally started to fly by once we were completely settled into the new house and we got into a routine. We decided that the baseball game on Saturday would be a supernatural day. All of us hybrids and vampires, except Oliver and Charlotte, would be at the field to play. It would give us all a chance to fully use our legs and let go for a few hours. We didn't always get the chance to cut loose, especially us hybrids.

After we ate breakfast, we changed into athletic clothing and gathered on the back porch.

"Everyone ready?" Nico questioned walking out the door.

"Yep! Let's go." Myra responded, obviously happy to have the chance to play a game with her abilities.

"Great, let's go." Nico agreed before speeding off in the direction of the field.

I made a bet with Alessio, Iñaki, Matteo and Aki; whoever got to the field first got payed $25 from each participant in the bet. Aki, Iñaki and myself quickly surpassed the vampires since we still had human blood flowing through our veins, that, when mixed with the amount of venom also flowing through our blood made us extremely fast and strong. It was almost like we were always newborns. Aki and I continued our steady pace, speeding through the green, loosing Iñaki about a mile in. Once I saw the field I used every ounce of strength in me to push forward and beat Aki.

"Oh fuck you!" She groaned coming to a stop beside me. "You win every time. It's not fair. You have your stupid alphaness helping you."

"You know all this before you make a bet, and yet you still bet. Aki, you aren't stupid, so why do you keep doing it?" I laughed at her pissed off face. The rest of my family slowly started filing through the trees depending on how fast they were running.

"Because, deep down, I still have hope that I will one day beat you." She responded laughing. She looked free and happy. Like running as fast as she possibly could calmed her down. Personally it felt like I was floating. I hadn't truly used my abilities in months. It felt amazing to run through the woods and feel the air blowing through my hair, the rain flying past me. Both of us turned as Alessio, Matteo and Iñaki approached us. "Pay up idiots."

"It's not fair!" Alessio tried to argue.

"Lex, you literally knew I would beat you when you made the bet. You can't wimp out now that you have to pay." I retorted, sticking my hand out to the four of them, waiting for the money. Aki and Matteo rolled their eyes, but gave me the money. Alessio and Iñaki I had to stare down before they handed over their $25. I pocketed the money and noticed the Cullens approaching from the other side of the field. Michele and Rosalie met in the middle, acting a little too obviously like they were dating if you ask me. I waltzed over to Jasper and Alice along with Giusy.

"Hello!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Hi Lucy! Hi Giusy!" Alice responded instantly. Showing us her shinning smile.

The Rossi Coven [1] Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now