Chapter 17

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Once the Cullens left, it seemed like a storm cloud fell over Forks. We went on with life, because what else was there for us to do, but Bella was definitely a source of the gloom looming over us all. She quickly became depressed after the Cullens' departure. She staggered off into the woods one night and Sam Uley found her passed out on the ground freezing. In my opinion, that girl needed to be put on suicide watch. She sulked around all the time. Never left her room unless she was at school. At school she wouldn't talk to anyone except for Maggie. Maggie and her seemed to get closer and closer as Bella shut herself off from the world. My family tried to help her at the beginning. We tried to explain that he did it for her own good. That they did not want to leave, they had to. She didn't care, she paid no mind to her own health and safety. For almost the entire month of October we only saw her at school and Maggie was almost always over at the Swan household to help with Bella and try to keep Charlie from freaking out.

In other non-Bella related news, Elizabeth has been working overtime constantly at the hospital, helping to fill the hole that Carlisle's departure left. Liam was still slaving over his case of the missing boy's parents suing the school. Elijah was making friends at school. He brought a few of them over for his seventh birthday party. It was hilarious. They had a nurf gun war in the backyard then ate cake and watched a movie. It was a sleepover, so it was sort of a big deal for him. We let him and his friends take over the top floor of the house for sleeping and watching the movie. They apparently loved the party because we got calls from all the parents saying how much fun their sons had and how the kids would not stop talking about it. We are planning on starting Keiri at preschool come January, it was a little weird, but she needed to make some friends. She would be going to the same school Giusy taught at. Besides that, we didn't do much until Thanksgiving rolled around.

"I swear! I've lived in this country since the eighteen hundreds and I still barely understand the point of Thanksgiving." Teuvo sighed as many of us packed into the kitchen trying to cook.

"Someone needs to leave! Every time I turn around I end up bumping into someone and spilling what I'm doing. If you aren't helping, or if your name is Matteo, get out of the kitchen." Myra ordered. "Teuvo get out. You are practically useless when it comes to food."

"But babe..."

"No. Leave." She stated pointing to the door. He grumbled something I didn't bother to listen to, and then walked off following over half the kitchen occupancy.

"Who took the recipe for the mac and cheese?" I yelled as I looked back at the counter to find the piece of paper gone. Myra shrugged. Nico ignored me. Elizabeth shook her head. Aki laughed at me. "Wow thanks everyone is so helpful."

"You're looking for this?" Oliver quipped holding a piece of paper in his hand as he stood in the doorway.

"Looks like it. Can you put it back over here please?"

The Rossi Coven [1] Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now