chapter 4: escape escapade

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The pain left in a whir of adrenaline. Quickly, it was replaced with a numbing feeling that was only too familiar to Jess. It felt like waking up in the box all over again. Agony. Confusion. Anger.

Just like waking up in the box, Jess took her time opening her eyes. But this time, she knew exactly where she was. This time, she was not scared of the unknown. This time, it was worse.

She knew exactly where she was. And it scared her.

When her eyes were fully open, she slowly raked them across the room. White washed walls and silver tools decorated her view. Another replica of her bed is was situated on the other side of the room. A girl was lain on it. Dark hair, about her age. Jess couldn't garner more than that.

She reached her hands up to her face and grappled at the plastic wire across her nose. It came undone almost immediately. Pushing away the heavy feeling, she forced herself to focus on getting out of the room. However, before she could do anything, a thunder of footsteps and a crash interrupted her thoughts.

Gasping, she scrambled towards the syringe besides her bed. A voice broke through her fear. "WHERE IS SHE?"

Jess frowned uncertainly. She knew that voice. She was certain of it.

Deciding she had nothing to lose, and praying that she actually didn't, Jess pushed open the curtain and came face to face with Thomas.

For the first second, she was so surprised that she did nothing. The next few seconds were a rush of movement and shouting. Three doctors were on the floor and three of Thomas' friends were standing above them. Brief nods between them and Jess were exchanged. She knew there was no time for formalities and so did they.

"Thomas!" One of them shouted. A warning.

Thomas didn't turn right away, but when he did, he was helping the girl from the other bed up.

Jess figured that was none of her business so she got to thinking up escape plans.

"The chairs." She mumbled slowly.

The sandy-haired boy next to her glanced to her briefly. "Chairs?" He asked- confused.

"Chairs." Jess nodded.

In sync, they both took a chair and yelled as they swung it at the glass window.

Immediately, pieces of glass rained down on the six.

But there was no time to celebrate.

Thomas leaped over and bought the girl over with him. The rest of his friends followed. Jess followed last. She rounded the corner just as Thomas shot a WCKD guard in the chest. He went flying back but there was no time to feel guilty about it.

She kept running down the corridor.

Thomas pulls out a key card and swipes it. It doesn't buzz. "No no no.." he mutters.

Jess could only watch in the corner with tense muscles and a terrified expression.

"Open this door Janson!"

Repeatedly turning her head back and forth between the door and Janson, Jess started to mutter prayers under breath.

It had to work.

"You really don't want me to." He replies.

"The maze is one thing, you kids wouldn't last a day out in the scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the cranks will. I only want what's best for you."

Jess wasn't so sure about that.

At that moment, the door opens. Her eyes met with his just as a gun fired and she went back to running.

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