Chapter 13

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"Come on kids. Don't waste time hanging out here."

I analyse Jorge, curiously. He seems worried for Brenda I'm sure. As does Theo. I wonder if they are together...


I turn to find Theo jogging to catch up with me.
Slowing to pace him, I nod a greeting.

"So you remember me?" He asks hesitantly.

I search my mind for any more memories apart from the ones WCKD gave me. It's my turn to appear hesitant.

"I-I remember them taking me away from you. And... I remember our older brother."

I speak softly. Sadly.

Theo stops walking. I mimic him, facing him to see his reaction. He whimpers slightly before pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"I missed you. And Liam. I tried to find you. They changed your name. Made you forget me."

His voice cracks at the end but all I can do is hug him tighter. "I will never forget you." I whisper into his chest- my throat constricting.

He nods, straightening up. I almost laugh out loud when he sniffs and announces, "well you're just as annoying as ever."

Grinning, I retaliate. "And you're just as ugly."

"We're twins!"

He glares playfully at me, swatting my arm. This is how it's supposed to be I think. When WCKD took me, they didn't just take me, they took my life my memories, my family. Hate for them bubbles up in my chest but I push it down. We'll get them later.

And now, for the first time since the Field, I actually feel at peace. Happy, no. Content, yes.

Contrary to first impressions, Theo turns out to be a very optimistic personality. He, Thomas and Minho all crowd the make-shift fire throwing nuts into each other's mouths.

I watch them in fascination.

A few minutes later, I feel a presence besides me. I look up at Newt. He is staring ahead the fire- the golden light illuminating his face.

I don't say anything and neither does he. The silence isn't awkward. It's comfortable.

Slowly, I feel my eyelids drooping.

"Tired?" Newt asks.

I nod in response too tired to really respond.

Hardly a minute passes before I can feel myself drifting into oblivion. Whether I was too tired to notice or it was completely unintentional, I'll never know, but I fall asleep with my head resting on Newts shoulder.

He doesn't react much to it- choosing to instead rest his own head on mine and promptly close his eyes.

A/N: just a filler chapter. I wanted to improve Jess' relationship with Theo and Newt :)

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