Chapter 6

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"Someone's been down here"

"Let's look around. Me and Minho will go explore down here. Fry, Newt, Teresa and Jess, you guys stay here and Aris and Winston will help." Thomas orders.

I nod once, already scanning my surroundings. I can't see much from the light through the shafts, but what I can see is covered in cobwebs and dust. "Hey Jess!" Teresa calls.

I look over to her. "Coming!"

Quickly making my way over to the raven-haired girl, she sees me and hands out a bunch of clothes. I glance down at my ripped ones and take the clothes gratefully. "Thanks."

Teresa nods to me.

I change in the shadows of the crates. Not that it did much.

After changing, I decided to look around.
Sensing someone behind me, I turn to find Newt standing in front of me. I smile at him. He returns the smile, coming to stand next to me. "Do you think this is the right thing to do?" He asks.

Surprised by his question, I turn to face him.

"What is?"

"Yknow, escaping."

I think about it for a few seconds. Was it the right thing to do?


This time, he looks up at me. But before he can reply, there is a click and light beams down on me. I blink a few times to get used to the newfound source of energy. Aris, Winston, Fry, Teresa, Newt and myself group together in the middle of the mall.

All of a sudden, I hear a faint cry from where Minho and Thomas are."RUN!"

At first, no one moves. Then, Thomas and Minho come barrelling around the corner. "RUN!"

I strain my eyes to see what they are running from. A group of half-human zombies crash after the two boys. "Sticks!" I curse.

And run.

Scrambling up the escalator, I run like my life depends on it. More than likely, that is true.
It seems these zombie things are everywhere. As soon as we get to the top, another one runs at us. Aris grabs a pole to hit it with. Ignoring my cries of protest, he smashes it down onto the zombie-things legs. Thomas and Teresa are forced to split from the rest of us, but quickly catch up again.

Everyone is running for their lives now. Until I hear a shriek behind me. I turn to find Newt on the floor wrestling one of the zombie-things. Crank, I think I heard one yell. Since I am the closest, I run and ninja kick the crank off Newt.
"Thanks." He breathes.

"No problem."

I grab his hand and am back to running for my life. Ignore the weird tingly feeling I get from holding Newts hand, I skid to a stop when we get to the rest of the group. They are backed into a corner. Thomas and Fry are trying to knock down a door, while Winston is shooting cranks.

BANG! The door topples down. "COME ON COME ON!" Thomas shouts.

I leap through the door, about to run to Aris, when I hear Minho scream out "WINSTON!"
Oh no.

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