Chapter 32

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It feels like being back at the Safe Haven with all of us crowded around a table. Thomas paces in front of us with the most troubled look i've ever seen him wear. The nice side of me feels sympathetic for him but the side that still holds a grudge can't forget our dispute before I left.

Is that really bad of me?

The quiet murmuring of Thomas shatters the silence, "no, no I can't. There has to be another way in."

Gally speaks up in a whispered but stoutly determined voice, "there is no other way in. She's our only plan."

And of course, they're talking about Teresa.

What happens next shocks me so much i almost forget to breath.

Newt interrupts. And that in itself is not shocking. Not in the way that dramatic American TV shows make it out to be.

"What, you afraid your little girlfriend is gonna get hurt?"

It's the aggressive force behind those words is the shocking part. Thomas picks up on this and backs away a bit. "What-what do you mean?" he asks slowly.

"Teresa." Newt spits out, "she's the only reason Minho's even missing. Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back and what, you don't want to, because- of her?"

By now, Newt is standing up and advancing on Thomas like a predator attacking his prey.


"Just admit it."

"I don't-"

"Don't lie to me. DON'T LIE TO ME!"

A deathly silence follows. Even Brenda stands with her hand firmly clasped against her mouth. Theo and Lily just melt in the background whilst awkwardly glancing uneasily at each other.

And me? I'm hit with the sudden realisation that Newt- the one that's always been so calm and collected; always been there for each and every one of the gladers and me; who had been the only person I can remember that has ever succeeded making me blush- has got the one thing that turns my blood cold and my face pale.

He's infected.

He's got the flare.

And... there's no cure.

A/N: that ending was unnecessarily dramatic but oh well HES GOT THE FLARE YOU GUYS NOOOOOO... should he live?? comment if you think he's going to live or die and what will happen to Jess. Obviously i already know but see if you can guess.

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