Chapter 9

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Five pairs of eyes stared drills into the back of my head but my focus was solely centred on the boy in front of me. It was obvious to anyone who he was. The only difference in his appearance and mine was his obvious boyish features. After a moment of awkward silence, Theo stepped forward. A soft whimper escaped me before I closed the gap between us.

Throwing my arms around my twin brother, I felt him shake with silent sobs. I remember you.

Theo slowly unlatches himself from me. The girl from before is beckoning for me and the gladers to follow her. I hesitate, but go after her anyway. It's not long before I hear the tap of feet behind me, signalling that the gladers and Aris are following.

I pick up on a conversation between the new girl and Thomas.

-"Jorge wants to meet you. No ones come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just gotten him curious... and me too."

I see Teresa tense at her words. I give her a quick smile which she returns in a heartbeat.
Maybe there really is hope for us after all?
I trail Theo along rickety floorboards, trusting my twin to my fate. Should I? I have no idea. The girl- who introduces herself as Brenda- strifes confidently into the room where a Hispanic man is hunched over a device.
"Dammit!" He yells with a thick Spanish accent.

After what seems like an eternity, he swivels around to eye up our group. I see Theo sitting casually on a sofa with his arm around Brenda- laughing at something she is saying.
"Do you ever feel like the whole world is against you?"

The abrupt and relatable question brings my attention back to the Hispanic man, whom I can only guess is Jorge.

I exchange glances with Aris and Newt. Oh, if only you knew old guy.

"Three questions. Where did you come from, where are you going... and how can I profit?"
Thomas takes this as his cue to answer. "We're looking for The Right Arm."

The men around us laugh bitterly as if Thomas had just told some big joke. Uneasy, my gaze travels again to Theo who is taking all this in with Brenda's head on his shoulder.

"Question number two."

Jorge continues whilst pouring some sort of alcohol into a glass cup. It's scary how relaxed he seems. Almost as if he knows something we don't.

"Where did you come from?"

"That's our business!" Minho hollers back.
I close my eyes briefly and debate with myself just how stupid Minho's cockiness is.

Suddenly, Thomas is forced to the ground. I try to help him, but some guy yanks me back but my arms.

Brenda leaps into action with some sort of scanner thing in her hand. "You were right." She whispers so quietly I had to strain my ears to hear her.

Jorge chuckles ominously.

"Right about what?" Thomas queries.
"You come from WICKED. Which makes you very... valuable."

Jorge's buff looking goonies advance towards us with threatening looks in their eyes. Well this can't be good.

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