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*3rd person POV*
=at university, day of the basketball match=
Today no classes were going to held. The university students had already started arriving and filling up the audience seats in the auditorium. Meanwhile in the changing room, yibo's team captain was saying something. But yibo wasn't really listening. His mind was elsewhere. He wondered whether the certain person was gonna come or not. His mind was calculating the possibilities whether zhan was going to come or not. He himself didn't understand his own mind. Why was he so restless to know whether zhan was coming or not? There was many people coming including his best friend yu bin. Then why did he only care about Xiao zhan coming or not? Why was he even worried about why zhan didn't come yesterday and whether he will come today? He snapped out of his thoughts when the captain called his name.
"Yibo? U okay? U look sort of....grim.." The captain asked him.
"Oh nothing. Um...meng u mind if i go out for a while? I will be back within few minutes. " yibo asked getting restless to see whether Zhan had come or not.
" sure." The captain called Meng Yao said and smiled. Yibo smiled back and exited the changing room. He entered the auditorium and saw many people settling themselves in their seats. He ignored the girls who were giggling and saying how handsome he looked in his jersey.

 He ignored the girls who were giggling and saying how handsome he looked in his jersey

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His eyes scanned the whole place until he saw ji li and zan jin sitting....zhan wasnt there. Yibo felt a pang of momentary pain in his chest. He didn't come. He heard a voice behind him.
" Xiao zhan still didn't come today, right?" The voice said and you turned around to meet the face of his best friend yu bin
". Yeah. So what?" Yibo said in a fake uninterested tone.
"Yeah sure. U can lie to everyone...but u can't lie to me." Yu bin said softly. " Admit it. U r upset because zhan didn't come today again." Yu said with a smirk. Yibo sighed.
"I am going to his house to see him after the match." Yibo said and strode off to the changing room. Yu bin shaked his head slowly while smirking. And then he went and sat beside zan jin and ji li.
" yo Li? When did u return from Chongqing?" Yubin asked ji li.
"Yesterday. My parents are still in Chongqing. I returned for the sake of the match." Ji li said. Yu bin nodded. Then an idea came to his mind. He decided to ask.
"Hey you two are Xiao zhan's besties am i right?" Yu bin asked.
"That's right" ji li and zan jin answered together.
"So...u guys might know what happened to zhan right? I meanwhy didn't he come today?" Yubin asked.
"Well...zhan called today and said that yesterday morning he felt really dizzy and feverish and eventually fainted while making his breakfast. An old lady who was his neighbor was passing by his house saw through his window that zhan was lying on the floor unconscious. She quickly rushed inside and checked on him. He had a very high temperature fever and headache that's why he wasn't able to come to school. That old lady checked on him time to time and took care of him and cooked." Zan jin said and frowned. He felt guilty that he wasn't able to do anything for his zhan-ge.yubin froze.
"S-sick?" Yubin asked.
"Yeah. We wanted to go to his house but just can't manage the time. I feel really guilty that being his friends we can't do anything. We will visit him tomorrow.. _btw...why do u ask about him yubin?" Ji li asked.
" friend there is totally pouty faced about zhan not coming to school. He even said he was going to go to his house today to check on him today and see what is wrong. If he knows that zhan is sick then....." Yubin trailed off. He knew yibo well enough to understand that yibo really cared for zhan and treated him really differently from others. Others might not notice it but yubin being his friend for 3 years surely did. He smirked. And looked sideways to see his expression reflected on his li and jin's face. Guess they also understood what was going on.
The match started after 15 mins. Yibo was playing really good. He scored and scored again. But his mind was in chaos. He waited for this match to end so that he can go to zhan's house. He had a bad feeling and was getting impatient to see whether zhan was OK or not. Nevertheless he still played. After an hour the match ended. Yibo's team won. Zan jin, ji li and yubin screamed their lungs out cheering at the team's victory. Yibo waited until the prize giving ceremony and photographs. He was getting impatient to get to zhan. After all was complete he rushed to his changing room, changed his clothes to casual ones and dashed out of the university without saying anything. After he left, yu bin, ji li and zan jin stood their watching yibo's car drive away.
" i hope yibo-ge wont get heartbroken after seeing zhan in that state." Zan jin said in a low voice.
" i hope he doesn't." Yubin agreed.
Yibo drove in full speed towards Xiao zhan's house. He knew he broke enough traffic rules for the day but he didn't care. As he got closer and closer to zhan's residence, he could hear is heart thumping loudly in his chest, threatening to break out. He felt something was wrong. Otherwise he won't be feeling so nauseous to the extent where his breathing laboured. He atlast arrived at the house. The first thing he noticed was that the gate was unlocked...indicating that zhan was inside. He inhaled deeply and rang the door bell. There was no answer for a whole minute. He rang again getting restless. Atlast he heard gentle footsteps inside and heard the sound of hands fumbling with the door lock. The door opened revealing Xiao zhan. But the sight of zhan's current appearance broke yibo's heart into million pieces. He couldn't believe his eyes. He felt his vision get blurred with tears but they didn't fall out.
"Z-zhan...?" He finally managed to utter.

*Xiao zhan POV*
Its been another day like this....still he didn't feel any better. He felt terrible at the fact that he couldn't go to see yibo play. He had promised yibo that he will come to see his match.His temperature was still fairly high from the fever. He also catched cold. His body was aching and had a pretty bad headache. The kind old lady mrs. Xuan found him unconscious at his house and took the previlage of taking care of zhan as he was alone at his house. She cooked for him and made sure that he took his meds properly. Today his mind was filled with the name of Wang yibo. He felt more sick and the headache got more worse as he grasped the fact that he won't be able to see him play. His whole body was aching with feverish pain but the pain in his heart was more worse. He craved to see yibo only for once. He didn't know why but he seemed to believe that if he at least get a glance of yibo he would feel loads better. He didn't inform his family. He knew that if he did he would have to see the crying, heartbroken face of his parents...especially his mom. So he decided against informing his parents. Although he knew his father would find out soon enough. Mrs. Xuan had just left after feeding him his breakfast. He lay on his bed with his eyes closed because of the pain in his head. After a hour he faintly heard a car stop infront of his house and before h knew there was the sound of the door bell. He felt tired to get up. But he had to. While he was in the process of getting down the stairs he heard another bell. He sighed and slowly continued descending the stairs making sure he wouldn't fall. He reached the door and fumbled with the latch. He opened the door and his heart started to race at a terrific speed. He felt butterflies in his guts and felt really light and warm. An unknown wave of happiness washed over him as he stared at the very shocked expression of Wang Yibo...

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