Chapter ~11

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*3rd person POV*
Xiao zhan explained everything to zhuo cheng starting from yesterday when he became ill, until the fact that now Wang yibo was currently taking care of him and will stay with him until he gets well. Cheng's eyes widened further with each and every sentence he spoke. While zhan was speaking, yibo sat beside him but was not in the camera range and cheng couldn't see him. After Zhan finally finished speaking, he inhaled deeply as the long conversation made him slightly weaker than he already was. Yibo gently caressed zhan's back. Zhan immediately felt loads better. Cheng saw zhan's current condition and heaved a sigh. Cheng might be really bad tempered and a bit foul-mouthed on the outside but in the inside, his heart was soft and sensitive. He cared really deeply for the people he loved and cared about. He loved both of his younger brothers deeply and his heart ached every time something bad happened to zhan or Yuan.
"You......god...." Cheng said,clearly unable to form words after hearing everything.
"A-cheng, please don't worry about me. Its just a seasonal flu and a bad cold. Within a week i will be alright and its not like im alone dealing with it. Yibo is here with me." Zhan said not wanting his brother to spit fire. But he was wrong. Trouble was yet to come.
"I would like to know though....seasonal flu...i can understand...but how on earth did u catch this much amount of cold??!" Cheng asked and glared at zhan questioningly through the video call.
" shanghai...the day before rained pretty heavily some time around 8pm. outside to get drenched in the rain...u know excited i become when it rains....and i went back inside the house and started watching Netflix...while After that i took a shower before going to bed and the water was ice-cold as i still didn't install a water morning i woke up with a terrible headache and feeling dizzy..then while making breakfast i collapsed and i woke up on my bed with a burning fever with a doctor and my neighbor mrs. Xuan standing beside my bed. The doctor said that it was just a seasonal flu and will be over soon. He prescribed my medicines and told me to rest. I didn't have any cold symptoms...but the next i woke up with a cold...." Zhan finished and gulped as he saw Cheng glaring daggers at him. He looked sideways at yibo but was more doomed as he saw Cheng's expression reflected on yibo's face as he took glared daggers at zhan.
"You...idiot! Why did u have to dance in the rain huh!? 10 years and no matter how much mom dad and me scolds u bout it u never listen! And who told u to eat ice cream during the drenched weather!? And why didn't u install a water heater inside ur bathroom?!?God no matter how much you grow up u still act like a foolish kid." Cheng Scolded zhan as he always did whenever zhan harmed himself. Zhan didn't look at the screen at Cheng and suddenly the fabric of the sofa looked more interesting to look at. Cheng sighed at his brother.
"Do u have any idea how tense mom and dad will be if they hear about it?" Cheng said, calmly this time.
"Don't tell them." Zhan stated.
"Excuse me?"
"There is no need to tell them and make them worry. I hate it when i see mom dad's heartbroken faces."
"Zhuo Cheng....please."
"Please do it as a favour"
"OK fine! Don't worry i will not tell them but u have to promise me that u will eat properly and take ur meds regularly." Zhuo Cheng said.
"Ofc i will" zhan smiled at his brother.
"Now. Where is that boy called Yibo? I want to talk to him." Cheng said. Zhan bit his lip and looked sideways at yibo who was still glaring at him. Yibo sighed and took the phone from zhan's hand.
" u r yibo. Nice to meet you. I hope u can take good care of Xiao zhan til he gets well." Cheng said and smiled but soon threw a threatening glare at yibo as if to say ' or else'.
"Yeah, don't worry about it. I will make sure he eats properly and gets well and most importantly i will make sure that he never dares to shower under the heavy rain again" Yibo said the last sentence while glaring sideways at zhan who was looking down cuddling with his fingers. Cheng laughed. He felt a strong connection between his brother and wang yibo. He felt sort of relaxed after hearing that yibo will take care of his brother. He felt yibo was sort of the person who can be trusted with his brother's problems. He decided that he will gather information about wang yibo.
"OK. I hope you can deal with his stubborn ass." Cheng said.
"Stubborn ass my foot. Stubborness won't work against wang yibo" yibo said said and threw another glare at zhan. Cheng noticed it and chuckled. Zhan talked with his brother for a few more minutes while yibo continued making dinner. After he finished talking he sighed. No one can escape the wrath of wang zhuo cheng. He knew although his brother scolded him a lot but inside he was the most softest person on earth. Yibo finished making dinner and came and sat beside zhan to feed him. Zhan said nothing but obediently ate his food  while yibo fed him.
"Won't you eat??" Zhan asked yibo as yibo held the spoon near his lips.
"After u finish eating, i will eat." Yibo said and zhan took the food inside his mouth from the spoon.
"Arw you angry with me?" Zhan asked yibo. Yibo's eyes softened. He sighed. And shook his head.
"No. I mean yes but not that much. I was just wondering how can u be so careless." Yibo said softly.
"From the childhood, i loved to get drenched in the rain. My parents scolded me but it was in vain. Whenever it rained in the middle of the night, i used to sneak out and stand in the open rain. Until my father ordered the guards to make sure i don't sneak out at night anymore. But it didn't stop me. Even now, i still do it." Zhan said and chuckled lightly.
"Why didn't u install a water heater?"yibo asked.
"Didnt get time." Zhan answered as yibo finished feeding him. He wiped zhan's mouth with tissue and gave him water.
"Never do that again." Yibo said sternly.
"Never do what again?"
"Never . get . wet . in . the . rain . again." Yibo said again.
"Promise me."
"I promise"
"Good" yibo said and got up and then returned again with his food and started eating.
"I feel like a newborn baby." Zhan said and pouted. Yibo didn't dare look at zhan as he was sure he would choke on his food as he can't bear the cuteness.
"Why?" Yibo asked without  looking at zhan.
"Because u r taking care of me as if i am a baby. U r feeding me. Ur scolding me. You are wiping my face after every meal. U r even making me drink water by urself." Zhan said
"Because I'm afraid. I wont let u do anything by urself until u get well. End of topic." Yibo said and continued eating. After eating zhan wanted to shower. But even in that yibo was careful. He touched the water and made sure it was not that cold. It was a sunny day and the water was warm enough. Zhan entered the bathroom and didn't lock the door as yibo asked him not to. While zhan showered yibo stood leaning on the wall beside the bathroom door scrolling through his phone. He was determined to make sure that zhan was protected enough. After 20mins zhan came out fully dressed and a towel around his neck. Yibo immediately grabbed his arm and made him sit on the bed. He took the towel and started to dry zhan's hair. He looked mesmirizing with his wet hair and fresh scent of body wash. Yibo tried really hard not to gawk at zhan. After he finished drying his hair he went in the balcony to hang the towel. He came back and made zhan lie down and tucked him inside the blanket. He turned off the light and turned on the night light. Zhan eyes followed yibo making his way to the small couch placed in the side of the room.
"U r....going to sleep in the ....couch?" Zhan asked yibo. Somehow the thought of yibo sleeping on a thin couch made him frown.
"Yes. I won't sleep in the guest room as i have to keep an eye on you." Yibo said and lay down on the couch.
"But....i feel bad seeing you like that...." Zhan blurted out. But immediately slapped himself mentally. Why did he say that!?
"OK. U want me to sleep beside you?" Yibo asked and smirked.
"H-huh...?" Zhan said thinking he misheard.
"Let me sleep beside u then" yibo said and got up from the couch and made his way towards the bed. Zhan froze. His mind was in chaos. His heart felt as if a huge wave of water hit it. He face was the color of cherry lip balm. His body became jelly when he felt yibo slid in beside him.
"Come on zhan sleep. Dont stare up at the ceiling as if u just saw an alien." Yibo said and looked sideways at zhan who was as red as a tomato and smirked.
"Oi stop turning into a strawberry lip balm. Ur fever will rise more." Yibo said sarcastically. But soon sighed as zhan continued to stare without blinking up at the ceiling. Yibo scooted closer and made zhan turn towards him and wrapped his arm around him. Zhan froze yet again. His whole mind was calculating what was happening. Atlast he processed everything and looked up yibo who had his arms wrapped tightly around him and his face was close to zhan's forehead with his eyes closed and a slight smirk evident on his lips. Zhan's heart was beating really fast. But soon he felt himself melt into yibo's warmth and fall asleep and went into his dreamland. In the middle of his sleep, zhan's hand also found themselves around yibo's torso and his head buried in his chest. Yibo's grip around zhan tightened. Both of them fell asleep into each other's arms and slept comfortably than they ever slept in years.


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