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*3rd person POV*
Its was now early evening and after the lunch, the parents decided to take some rest while their children and their friends decided to chill out by the river side.

The position of the sun during that time of the day was making the river waters look as though made of diamonds. The peaceful atmosphere was smothered by the sound of zhuo cheng yelling at non other than his didi, Xiao zhan who just currently finished eating his 5th cone of ice cream and was going for another one but was stopped by the furious lotus...or so he called him.

"If u dare to eat another ice cream then i swear im breaking your legs!" Cheng snapped.

"A-cheng...please last one..?" Zhan pouted and gave Cheng puppy eyes. Cheng rolled his eyes.

"No means no."

"Yes means yes." Zhan said and dived his hand insidr the ice box for his 6th ice cream. Cheng looked at zhan in anger an disbelief. Then he turned his gaze towards yibo accusingly.

"Yah! Say something to him!" Cheng said to yibo as zhan sat beside yibo and snuggled close to him and yibo wrapped his arms around him.

"I can't...he will threaten me in the most cruelest way. He does it back at shanghai too. I use to tell him not to eat too much chocolate or ice cream but i was always defeated so i gave up..." Yibo said in a flat voice.

Cheng huffed. " Alright but if u catch cold, dont come in front of me with a running nose."

"OK, princess." Zhan answered. Every one laughed. Cheng glared at zhan but didn't say anything and sat beside haikuan.

After evening fell, they all decided to drink....ofc without their parents' acknowledgment. Their was a wine celler in the basement and they all went down their.

"WOAH!!!!" Zan jin said in disbelief as he stared at thousands of wine bottles stacked up neatly in 12 shelves. There was a table in the middle and they all sat around it while haikuan went to bring some bottles and yubin went with him to help out.

"I tell you....this is the best vacation i had so far in my entire life.." Ji li said.

"Glad u liked it ji li.." Cheng said as he placed glasses on the table. Haikuan and yubin returned with several bottles of wine. They poured the glasses and toasted before gulping down the alcohol.

After the shot, everyone was exclaiming about how good the wine was....everyone except haikuan and yibo...both of whose expressions turned completely blank and emotionless as they stared blankly ahead of them.

Zhan was feeling slightly dizzy but otherwise he was alright as he and zhuo cheng were both highly tolerant of alcohol and it would take them 20 shots before they can get completely shit faced.

Every one more or else had high alcohol tolerance but the same could not be said for the Wang brothers ( yibo and haikuan) who were still blankly staring blankly ahead.

After laughing quite a while, it was yubin who finally noticed them.

"Uh....yibo..? Haikuan-ge??? Are u guys alright..?" Yubin asked. Zhan looked at his side and saw yibo looking ahead with a blank expression then he looked at haikuan who sat across him. He turned back to yibo and slightly nudged yibo.


No reaction.

He then poked his cheeks.

No reaction.

Zhan frowned. Cheng and ji li were doing the same with haikuan who like yibo didn't show any reaction.

"What happened to them..?" Zhan asked as he still worked to get yibos attention with no avail.

"Are they drunk alre---?...woa woa!!" Yubin exclaimed in mid sentence as yibo's head dropped down and slammed itself on the table....a few moments later, same thing happened with haikuan.

Lost in You ( yizhan ff)✔completedWhere stories live. Discover now