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"You did not give me a proper thank you when I saved you from falling earlier today" The guy who called me over said

"Oh... My bad" I muttered with my heads down and fumbling fingers.

"I did not hear you" he said

The students were still hovered around us and I felt uneasy talking to him in the presence of everyone.

"I just want to go home" I spoke after mustering a little confidence but my voice came up squeaky

"Okay, you can come in... I would drop you off. Where do you live?" He asked and I looked up observing his face for the first time, he was light skinned, quite tall and he had his hair braided, with a gold pin-up earring on his left ear.

"Thank you but you don't have to drop me off" I said, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Why?" He asked

"I don't know you and its not very safe to take rides from strangers especially from the male species"

I heard him chuckle and then the rest of the guys burst into laughter and everyone who was gathered joined in the laughter

"She said male species" He laughed as his hands moved to his stomach and he bent over.

"What is funny?" I asked, not appreciating the fact that everyone was laughing at my words.

"Com'on what you said was funny" The guy said.

"It was not funny..." I said as my voice dragged into an almost wheezing tone,I felt embarrassed and very upset . I did not want anyone to see my watery eyes, so I ran off and out the gate.

When I was sure that I was out and far from the school premises, I slowed down and wiped off my tears.

My mind rummaged on the images of how everyone was laughing at me and I felt a new wave of embarrassment wash over me, wondering how I would face everyone at school tomorrow.

On getting home, gratefully Dad was not at home.

Mum wasn't back from the market yet and Andy would be coming home late in the evening. Today is usually busy for him because he has more jobs to take care of and classes to take too.

I opened the door and immediately headed for the kitchen to boil yam and make vegetable sauce.

While the Yam was boiling, I pulled off my school uniform, and went for a cold bath.

When I was done freshening up, I dressed up in an old crop top with a black short.

I then went to our backyard where we had a little farm for our consumption.
I plucked the potato leaves for the sauce as it was very tasty. I liked potato leaves.

Done cooking, I dished out my food and stepped out to our front yard to eat.

While eating, I noticed a black car driving into our compound, the black car seemed just like the car from school and I prayed it was a different owner.

When the car opened, Tomiwa stepped out, still in her school uniform. Tomiwa is my neighbor, we attend the same school but we are not very close, I don't really have close friends.

Tomiwa was beaming with all happiness and giddiness as she stepped out of the car, followed by three guys and finally another guy on braids. Wait, that's the guy from school and then, dread enveloped me.

I quickly scrambled out of my seat as I made a move for our door.

"Audrey?" The voice with the slight gruffy tone called out in an almost questioning tone and I stopped in my tracks as I slowly turned over to look at him.

"We meet again, huh?" He said with a slight smile.

"Yeah... " I said in a low tone and continued my way to the house.

I decided to work on my homework.

I was almost done when I heard the staggering and cussing tone of my father who started knocking and then thudding the door.

My heart skipped a little, he wasn't in a good mood and must be high in his mind because all the door needed to open was a twist of the door knob.

I slowly opened the door, as my heart thudded with fear on what my father might do to me next for leaving the door un-opened

When I opened the door, I whimpered as I looked at the nasty glare my father gave me.

"You STU - PIFF  girl!" My father spat to me as a welcome, not literally though.

"Good Evening Sir" I greeted in fear

"Good Evening my foot! you closed the door, huh? Because you did not want me to enter my father's house. Why are you here? Why are you in my father's house? you this STU - PIF girl! Since your momma born you, you have been bringing me badluck upon bad luck, why don't you bring in money for me? Why can't you make money and give me? You are just fine for nothing, your mates are buying houses for their family but you can not do ANYTHING! Go away from here, or just die. I would really like you to die at least less stress for me since you are irrelevant and have no use to me. Just carrying your bad energy around the house!" My father cussed as he pushed me aside and stepped in

"Go bring me money!" He yelled as he walked into his room,leaving me in front of the house where he pushed me to. I did not realise I was in tears till my eyes turned blurry.

I don't understand why my Dad hates me.
Perhaps my birth was a true result of his misfortunes because all his failures started since my birth and even if my mum tries to comfort me by saying none of his words are true, I still believe him.

Having heard him cuss at me and continuously call me the bearer of his misfortunes,all my life... its hard to not come to the acceptance of his claims.

But, hearing him call me a bearer of bad luck and wishing I was dead, dosen't make it easier. It really hurts my feelings and pushing me aside was like a huge punch to my guts.

As I sat on the floor, I brought my knees to my face and wrapped my arms around it as I cried my eyes out, I noticed a shadow tower over me and then a hand was on my shoulder.

"Don't let what he said get to you. He is a drunk and an irresponsible man. He doesn't deserve your tears" The voice with a slightly gruffy tone, said.

Hearing that was soothing and his touch sent sparks of chills all over my body.

And then my mind chanted

He doesn't deserve my tears...


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And our Mystery guy with the braids?

Peace Out✌🏾

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