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"Tomiwa! Tomiwa!" I called as I pounded my palm on her door

"Tomiwa..." I called

The door opened

A disheveled looking Tomiwa popped out with my bag in hand and threw it at me.

"Are you ok..." I did not finish my question as she slammed her door close.


I spent the rest of the day studying in my room until night time when my father came back home drunk again.

He vomited and I would admit it was disgusting but not the first or 100th time.

I cleaned it up

"Stupiff girl! When would you leave me and let me be alive in peace. Your birth made me lose an opportunity of a lifetime and now I have nothing but you... Worthless!" My father cussed me again

Nothing new

But, it hurts.

I went to bed, sad.

The next day,as I made my early walk to school, Tomiwa walked with me too

"Try not to pound on my door next time"Tomiwa said

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling lost in the dark

"Yesterday? When you came by for your school bag?"Tomiwa stressed.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I did that because I thought something was wrong, with all the strained sounds I heard coming from the inside."I answered

"Strained sounds?" She queried

"The sounds na, The sound were like..." I mimicked Tomiwa's moan from yesterday

She chuckled

"Are you shitting me right now?"


"Nothing was wrong with me, I was just busy with my boyfriend" Tomiwa said.

"Okay..." I said

I decided to end the topic because I don't want to find out what she was busy doing with her boyfriend that generated those sound.

Why did I not realize that sooner?

We arrived school in time and surprisingly, Derrick was in school and on SCHOOL UNIFORM!


This wàs the first time I saw him on the school's uniform and he looked quite good on it.

"Hey baby" Derrick greeted and I blushed.

He called me baby

"Hi" I said, feeling shy because we were in class and a handful of the students were gazing in our direction

When I got closer to him, he engulfed me in a hug and I melted away

I felt shy

But at the same time, I felt sparks flying and the smell of his cologne ambushed my senses as his body felt even more welcoming.

I'm in class, we should break off from the hug but he wouldn't let go

"Derrick..." I called out

"Yeah ?" He answered

"I think you should let me go" I said

"Why?" He asked

"I'm feeling shy, everyone is looking" I said quietly

"Let them look" he said

"Please Derri" I pleaded and I heard him groan as he broke off the hug

"Thanks" I said with a sigh of relief and a huge bucket of shy(ness)

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