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is a very free spirited human but I put a long distance from her because my brother instructed me to.

"How can I help you, Tomiwa? Are you in search of a book and can't find it?" I inquired without looking at her as I kept my face buried in my book.

I really don't have the strength to hold any conversation of any kind.

I just want to get the school day over and done with.

"Well, How about I treat you to lunch and then you can help me find the book, I'm looking for?" She suggested

"What makes you think I'm hungry?" I asked and just then, my stomach made a loud grumbling sound.

Tomiwa gave me a knowing look and I flushed.

"Well, I... I... I... " I stuttered, thinking of a good lie.

"You're what?" She said still giving me 'that' look

"Well... I ... I am Fasting!" I said quite cheerily at my good found lie.

"Say that to the birds, they would believe you. Com'on let's go." She pestered.

"I don't want to and I don't want to be rude, but when did we become friends that buy meals for each other? I remember you calling me a blood sucked anti-social nerd. We are not friends and its very suspicious that you want to buy me lunch out of the blue" I spilled my thoughts.

"Well, I still think you're a blood sucked antisocial nerd, I tried being a friend but you kept shutting me out and now that you're friends with Derrick Osunde, its a priority that we become friends too" she said

"Why? To get closer to him?" I asked with a frown.

Tomiwa chuckled and said

"Please, I'm close enough to him. I am dating his friend and Derrick pleaded I become more friendly with you so that you can be a bit more open to socializing. He seems to have an interest in you"Tomiwa explained.

"So, you want to be friends with me, Because Derrick asked you to?" I asked for clarity.

Tomiwa groaned and rolled her eyes

"I always wanted to be friends with you because you are quite an interesting person to hang out with but because you kept brushing me off, I stopped trying and now that Derrick asked, I see no harm in trying again" she explained as she blew her bubble gum in defiance.

"Okay. I can find you the book you need without getting lunch from you. So which book do you want?" I asked.

And she rolled her eyes.

"But you're hungry!" she stated the obvious.

"Its normal, it won't kill me..." I did not complete my statement because a familiar gruff tone chipped in.

"Ugh! Come here, Audrey!" Derrick said as he gripped my wrist and dragged me out of the Library.

"Where are you dragging me off to?" I asked

"Out of school" he answered curtly.

"But school isn't over" I pointed out

"Obviously" he replied curtly, again

"Then, you should know I do not appreciate leaving school before its over" I said

"Audrey... One day of skipping half a school day wont harm you. You are smart and can ace the exams with your eyes closed." He finished as we got to his car that was parked outside the school premises.

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