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"How are you feeling Audrey, hope he did not hurt you physically?" Derrick asked

And I blinked

As, I was called back from my reverie

The thoughts of how disgusting the guy's lip travelled around my body, kissing me in all the wrong places

It made me want to puke and I felt disgusted of myself.

Those gross hands travelling all over my body, touching all the wrong places

I feel disgusted.

How I found the strength to come up with a quick escape?

I don't know

Why would he want to even do anything with someone like me

I'm not desirable

I'm the blood sucked anti social nerd

The quiet library prefect

My sanctuary in school was the library but now I feel scared to go back in there

What if the rapist had succeeded?

What if he had his way with me?

What if he took my virginity?

Oh my God

My hands flew to my lips as my eyes turned blurry and I began crying again

I almost got RAPED.

"Audrey..." Derrick called and walked towards me, engulfing me in his embrace again

I cried in his arms,

The only place that felt safe and I just don't know why.

"It's okay, Audrey" Derrick consoled

And I cried even more

He began stroking my back softly and slowly I sucked in my tears.

"Was he caught?" I spoke for the first time since we arrived my home.

"Yes and we have handed him over to the law" Derrick replied.

"Thank God" I said, feeling a bit relieved.

"What would you like to eat?"Derrick asked

"I'm not hungry" I replied

"That's what you've been saying since we arrived here. Did you take breakfast today?" He asked

"Not really"I said silently

"You need to eat, at least to regain some strength"he said

"Derrick, I'm fine and you need to go home. I can take care of myself. My father would soon be back and I don't want to start explaining who you are when he arrives" I said, suddenly feeling the urge to be alone.

"I can't leave you alone, I would stay till one of your family member comes home." Derrick sounded

"Please Derri" I pleaded and he groaned.

"Okay, I would leave, just eat first. Please?" He pleaded

"There is nothing to eat at home, I can't prepare something" I said

"Tomiwa and Ayo went to purchase something from Benny's Place. They would soon be back and I would only leave when I've seen you eat. Okay?" He commanded more than requested.

"Okay" I agreed

In no time, Tomiwa and a guy who I believe must be Ayo drove in.

Derrick's car was parked in front of our house.

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