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three babes ♡

Emi: ayo

Yoko: wat is it

Rin: hol up im giving my idiot bro his bento

Emi: bruh

Yoko: this be like the eighth time he forgot this week

Emi: according to Yoko
Emi: we have more than 5 lunch periods a week 🤦‍♀️

Yoko: stfu i was tryna exaggerate 😡

Rin: bruhv ok im back
Rin: what did u wanna share?

Emi: aLRIGHT sooo
Emi: since im the one in charge of handling the second years

mi: i have to tell yall
Emi: the spring interhigh is gonna start in 2 months
Emi: so training is gonna get tough
Emi: which also means we are gonna have earlier morning trainings

Yoko: damn
Yoko: get ready for sum of that thigh action

Rin: woohoo road to abs !!

Emi: yea ok

Yoko: yoooo guys 😳

Emi: bruh what

Rin: wat

Yoko: akaashi just talked to meee
Yoko: 😍😍😍😍😍

Emi: lucky bichhhh

Rin: cool stuff
Rin: last long ;)

Emi: well then
Emi: hows ur soulmate rin?

Rin: not much
Rin: the string sometimes tug on my pinky but other than that, nothing interesting really happened

Emi: ahhh

Yoko: bruhh i cant believe u actually have a special someone 😭
Yoko: cant rel8

Emi: reason why yoko doesnt have one is probs because she simps for everyone

Rin: ^^ most like why

Yoko: y'all mean 😡

Rin: nah u just cant accept facts

Emi: nice kill

Yoko: 😭😭

Rin: wat abt u emi?

Emi: wot

Rin: hows u and that suga guy ;)

Emi: o
Emi: its going p well
Emi: his other two friends are really nice too
Emi: i highkey feel like they could totally go to nationals

Yoko: ooo
Yoko: intro me to one of his teammates ;)

Emi: no stay away from them

Rin: ahhh thats cool
Rin: i overheard bokuto talking highly about one of the players in that team

Emi: o right
Emi: the boys' volleyball team had a training camp too

Rin: yep

Yoko: bruhv
Yoko: sadly ours was like after theirs ended 😭

Rin: yeaa
Rin: i lowkey wanted to look out for strong spikers but
Rin: eh

Emi: u could ask bokuto

Rin: hes too rowdy
Rin: and im very scared of his spikes

Emi: damn ok
Emi: we should prob go, class is starting

Rin: aight see yall later

Yoko: okie goodbye

Emi: byeee


Yep no Kenma stuff today sorryyy ;-;
This chapter was meh
But uhm hope yall having a great day owo
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Love yall <3

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