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An excited Bokuto exclaimed with stars in his eyes as he ran over to the table that had a plethora of dishes laid out.

"Ahh barbeque! Thanks so much coach!" Yoko bowed to the two coaches of the Fukurodani volleyball club[women and men team] and went over to the table. The rest of the team started to feast on the food. Some had took to the grill and started cooking while others sat down and chatted away.

The coach decided to treat everyone to a barbeque feast at the school.

"Bokuto-san you should eat slowly. You don't want to die from swallowing meat," sighed Akaashi as he handed a coughing Bokuto a cup of water while being reminded of other war flashbacks in the training camp.

"Thank you Aghashi! Coach told me he brought over some friends, I wonder who it is," Bokuto chirped with a smile as he finished the cup of water that was handed to him.

"Friends...? God don't tell me..." Akaashi sighed as a familar voice shouted across the place.

"Bokkun! How's my pal doing?" Someone slung his arm around the owl captain's shoulders.

"That voice... AY IF IT ISN'T THE SLEEP DEPRIVED ROOSTER HOW YOU DOING MY PAL? WANNA GRAB RAMEN LATER?" Bokuto asked with enthusiam. If y'all got the reference, congrats y'all are cultured but let's not talk about that.

"Yare yare..." Akaashi sighed with a facepalm and continued to eat his own food. Again, you are cultured if you get the reference.


"Hey..." a calm voice called which caused you to revert your head to the direction of the source.

"K-Kenma!" You blurted out as you immediately recognised the blonde haired setter infront of you.

"Please don't run away anymore..." Kenma deadpanned as he sat down next to you and let out a breath of relief for finally finding you. You stayed put as you felt your stomach churn and heart go brr- sike it was beating eminen's bars- ok i'll stop it was beating like shi- like- ok yeah you get the point.

The both of you shared a moment of silence before the both of you suddenly spoke up,

"I have somethi-"
"I'm sorry"

The both of you looked at each other and let out a chuckle.

"I'm sorry for suddenly running away. I know that was a really childish move and I'm sorry," you apologised sincerely as you bowed your head down and stared the floor.

"Apology accepted... I'm never running around like a madman again unless it's for you," Kenma let out yet another breath of relief. You let out a small chuckle and finally looked over to him.

"So... what did you want to tell me?" You asked as you waited for a reply from the pudding.

"I like you a lot. I can't really use the word love yet because that'd be cutting it to fast and you probably wouldn't be comfortable with it but I like you a lot, as much as love," Kenma calmly confessed as he looked up at the sky that was painted with stars. Your cheeks go brr- flushed a bright shade of red as your heart continued to beat like a doezen drums.

"I feel the same... I like you a lot as much as love. Thank you for chasing me even when I ran away so many times. Thank you for handling all my bull and looking out for me whenever you realised the change of tone in my voice or text," you confessed.

"Rin... can we go somewhere else?" Kenma randomly asked as he looked around. Confused, you nodded as he took your hand and went to somewhere more quieter.

Kenma pulled you closed and let out his third breath of relief during this whole ordeal and embraced you.

"Sorry... I don't do pda and I've wanted to do this for quite some time," Kenma shyly professed as he placed his chin on your head. You softly giggled at his shyness then snaked your arms around his waist and rested your head on his chest. You heard his rapid heartbeat which matched yours.

"How are we going to tell others how we met? We met on bloxburg!" You jokingly said as you giggled at your own joke.

"I mean how else are we going to tell them?" Kenma said as you felt him smile at your silly joke.

"Meeting you on bloxburg was such a coincidence," you said, looking up at the blonde setter who had a smile that was calm and serene on his face.

"Coincidence? I think not. We were fated to meet," he said, holding up his pinky where the redstring sat.

"Hotel? Trivago," you blurted out with a giggle at your own joke. Kenma let out a sigh and shook his head as you continued to giggle. As he stared at your shining happy face, he placed his palm on top of your ash blonde hair which made you stop in your tracks.

"Ah the couple has made up," a voice sighed in relief. Kenma let out a groan as he recognised that voice while you looked over to see the source.

"Well I'm glad to know that the red string has finally found its destination," Kuroo chuckled. You let out a smile while Kenma continued to keep his poker face on.

"Indeed, the red string has connected its two destinations together," you quoted as Kenma looked over to you and broke into a smile.


I still cant believe this took me like months to write im so sorry
But guess what exams are over and i can finally jump back into writing :)
I hope u guys have been well, i felt bad for procrastinating on writing
But wow u guys are crazy, i didnt think this book would even hit 1k but yall proved me wrong
Thank u guys so much, yall are the reason i actually complete my books <3
Love yall

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