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Wiping the beads of perspiration that were rolling down your face, you let out a deep sigh. Training was rough. The fact that you also had a mountain (not really) of homework to do was not too big of a help either.

"Well then, we'll be going off first. Please stretch, drink lots of water and rest when you get home. Speaking of getting home... be careful out there! It's quite late," Yume instructed everyone with her normal firm tone she uses when addressing something to the team. The third years all share their farewells to those that were still in the gym then took their leave.

"Are y'all down for ramen?" Emi asked with her signature smile as she reached forward towards the floor and stretched her legs. Yoko's eyes lit up upon hearing the word "ramen" and started nodding her head vigourously.

You wanted so badly to get some ramen broth before you headed home but obviously, your homework was waiting for you to get started.

Well, maybe another day.

"Sorry, I have a lot of homework. Maybe next time?" You declined their offer with a sheepish smile.

"Ah, then we'll do ramen another time," Emi responded as she rubbed her nape.

"Then I'll order fried chicken at my place," Yoko beamed.

"No fair! Order for me too!" Emi whined.

Yoko and Emi both continued their scuffle about fried chicken while you mentally sighed at their stupidity. You stood up after doing a couple more stretches and decided to head home first in order to get a head start with all the work you had.


Rin: yoyoyo

Kenma: u sound like bokuto and my idiot captain
Kenma: why r u still up

Rin: i could ask u the same thing, gamer

Kenma: my friends were spamming my phone too much so i had to tell them to shut up

Rin: goddamn
Rin: please dont shush me 😭

Kenma: well if u have a reason for texting me this late i wont

Rin: nah i dont really have one

Kenma: ok then shut up and sleep

Rin: wOW mean

Kenma: ok fine
Kenma: i cant really go back to sleep now
Kenma: what did u wanna talk about?

Rin: hmmm
Rin: lets talk about ourselves :D

Kenma: im not that interesting of a person but ask away i guess

Rin: its alright i think im gonna think of u as interesting either way since ure somehow friends with Bokuto which is really really coincidental

Kenma: well its not the best experience but ok...

Rin: ok
Rin: lets start easy, whens ur bday?

Kenma: 16 October
Kenma: can u anwer too so it doesnt sound like an interrogation

Rin: mine would be
Rin: 17 January

Kenma: ah ure older

Rin: it seems so
Rin: what position do u play in volleyball?

Kenma: setter

Rin: woahhh
Rin: i play wing spiker 😍

Kenma: u play volleyball too?

Rin: yep, ever since i was little

Kenma: thats nice

Rin: wait

Kenma: what

Rin: does that mean
Rin: if the both of us make it to nationals, i have the chance of finding u?

Kenma: i guess
Kenma: there would be many teams tho
Kenma: i never told u which school i belong to either
Kenma: so good luck finding me

Rin: well i know how u look like so it shouldnt be thAt hard :D

Kenma: right...
Kenma: what are u doing now?

Rin: well i just finished my pile of homework
Rin: and i feel realllly tired
Rin: but its not that sleepy kind of tired

Kenma: oh
Kenma: wanna listen to my playlist?

Rin: sureeeee

Kenma: here
Kenma: *spotify playlist link*

Rin: i recognise like 70% of the songs here
Rin: i like ur taste ;)

Kenma: thanks :)

Rin: but like wow
Rin: the songs u listen to are deep

Kenma: spotify recommended them to me

Rin: ahhh
Rin: i think this playlist might actually help my insomnia :)
Rin: thanku :)

Kenma: thats good

Rin: im feeling sleepy now
Rin: we should talk again :)

Kenma: alright
Kenma: goodnight :)

Rin: goodnight :D

But uh hope u enjoyed this chap :D
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Love yall <3

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