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Meanwhile in Plai's home

It was past midnight. Most of the guests have left. Plai goes to the room where Tharn was sleeping.

Plai: Mr. Thara Kirigun. You hurted me a lot. How can I forget those days. You made me drop out of school. You have to pay for your deeds.

She then climbed on the bed and sat beside Tharn. She took out Tharn's phone. It was switched off for some reasons. She switched it on. She saw several missed calls from Type. She smiled.

Plai: (laughing) See, your beloved boyfriend called. I know everything about you Mr. Thara. I know how much you are in love with that boy. I am gonna ruin you relationship, then only I will get my revenge.

She then sat upon Tharn and kissed him on his neck leaving hickeys all over. Tharn was moaning lightly. She opened the buttons of his shirt and kissed and bit everywhere.
Suddenly Tharn's phone buzzed. Plai saw Type calling. She picked it up and kept it beside the bed. She started to kiss more vigorously so that Tharn moans more.

Type on the other side of the phone was hearing all the kissing and moaning sounds. He couldn't believe at first but then he heard Tharn's breathing and moaning. Instantly tears came to his eyes. He couldn't listen more. He hunged up. Threw his phone and started crying. He couldn't imagine how Tharn could do that. He knows that Tharn is drunk but that doesn't mean he will fuck anyone. He cried and cried and didn't sleep all night. His eyes were bulged. He fell asleep near the time of dawn.
He woke up when he heard the ringing of calling bell of his home and banging on the door.
He understood Tharn has returned.
He went to the door and opened it. Tharn came inside.

Tharn: Sorry Type. I didn't return yesterday and I didn't inform you too.

Type was silent.

Tharn: (touched his cheeks) Heyy are you ok? Haven't you slept enough? Why are your eyes like this?

Type:(shoving off Tharn's hand) DON'T TOUCH ME.

Tharn was confused. He couldn't understand why Type said this.

Tharn: Why are you this angry with my not returning home for one night?

Type: As if you don't know anything! Don't act innocent. And please DON'T talk with me.

Tharn: Heyy Type I am sorry. Please talk with me. Where I stayed was the home of one of my old friend. Her name is Plai. I passed out last night so probably she allowed me to sleep there.

Type was silent.

Tharn: Type talk with me please. Why are you overreacting with this short thing?

Type: Do you really think its NOTHING?

Type notices the bruises on Tharn's neck. He grabbed Tharn's collar and moved it aside.

Type: Now, this is what you call a SMALL THING!

Tharn looked at himself. He couldn't believe his own eyes.

Tharn: You are tottaly misunderstanding me. I don't know anything about it. Believe me Type.

Type: How can I believe you?(cries) I heard with my own damn ears.

Tharn: Seriously Type, I don't have any idea of what you are saying. What did you listen?

Type sobs.

Type: Last night I called and you picked up the call. What were you upto last night, Tharn?

Tharn: I don't remember anything.

Type: Yeah, how can you? I am so dumb. You were drunk afterall.

Tharn: Type don't you trust me? You know it quite well that I don't do girls.

Type: But you can when you are drunk.

Tharn: No Type please believe me. (Tharn thinks for sometime)
I can now imagine what had happened. Please listen to me. (they both sink on the floor)
I used to take tuitions with Plai when I was in highschool. She had a huge crush on me. One day she confessed to me, but I was so dumb by then, I never thought of the consequences or her emotions and rejected her very brutally. She was heartbroken, in fact I heard that, for a time being she went to depression also. She dropped out of school and I never saw her again.
So may be this was her revenge against me to make us breakup.

Type: I thought its over with all your exes Tharn. I thought it all finished 7 years ago. Your oldflames always hurt me badly Tharn. You never mentioned Plai to me before.

Tharn: Its because Plai was not important to me. I never thought of her.

Type: But after coming this far, I cannot take the repetitions of events which happened 7 years ago. Why do your exes always hurt me Tharn?(cries) Answer me.

Tharn: I am sorry Type. I know how you feel. I know your mental condition now, which is totally different from the old you. You have changed a lot.

Type: Right Tharn. It hurts more now than how much it hurted back then. (cries). Its because you have become my habit. In this stage I cannot imagine a single moment without you. I fear of losing you.

Tharn: No Type. I will never leave you. I will take care of you all my life. Only death can separate us.

Type: Stop Tharn.(sobs). Stop please. Don't utter that word.

Tharn: Have you forgiven me?

Type: Yes but I am not stable right now. I am ragged.

Tharn: (Hugs Type) Please Type don't be like this. I feel guilty. I know its hard for you take all this now. I know how you feel. I am sorry Type.

They sit there silently. After sometime Type got up, wiped his tears and went to do the laundry. Tharn too got up and went to cook something.
They acted completely normal, but the only thing that was not normal was Type became totally silent for days. Whenever Tharn approached him he would answer him in as short as possible. He went to job, returned home as usual. He was melancholic. Tharn was upset because of him. He certainly has to do something to recover Type.

7 years with TharnType FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن