14. Proposal

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Rajasthani language:-

Bhai sa - Big brother.
Yuvraj sa- Crown prince.
Baba sa- Father

Raina reached at the construction site with everybody. Raina started explaining them about the whole project. They took some pictures of the place for work.

A room was built there for temporary office. They entered the room and settled themselves on the wooden chairs and table.

Raina also took out her laptop and started working, internally she was thinking about the leave. Now a days, company was very busy with a lot of work, so maybe because of that she couldn't get leave, then Dia will kill her literally.

Her trance were broken by Adya humming a tune. That tune was awfully familiar, then she remembered that it was Akshit's first song's tune.

Her humming could be clearly heard in the room. Suddenly a male voice started humming the same tune in more beautiful way.

Everybody looked at the door to find Akshit standing their. Raina narrowed her eyes at him whereas Adya was dazed after looking at him. He came foreward and asked, "So the work started?"

Raina said, "Yes Mr. Nagar. Our construction team is here."

After that she introduced everyone to him. Akshit shook hands with them. When he came in front of Adya he smiled, "You hummed the melody so beautifully."

Adya smilingly blushed and thanked them. Raina watched the scene with amused eyes.

She intervened, "Mr. Nagar, our work here is completed. From tomorrow, construction work will start."

Akshit nodded and escorted them to the place where their vehicles were parked.

He whispered in Raina's ear, "Don't forget to pack your things and come to home before evening."

Raina nodded her head and turned to ignite her bike whereas Akshit went to his black Roll-Royace.

Adya looked at her and settled herself behind Raina.

Adya asked, "You love bikes??"

Raina nodded her head, "Yes.That's why I bought this."

And in this way they reached the office making small talks. Raina went to Rohan's cabin to talk about the leave but found the cabin empty as Rohan was in Adhiraj's cabin.

She dragged herself to his cabin . If it was not about Dia's marriage, she wouldn't go to him.

She asked Rohan who was settled in one chair discussing something with Adhiraj and Adya, probably about the construction work, "Sir.. I applied for the leave...." She trailed her sentence.

Rogan looked at her and said in a tired voice, " Raina. This days are very busy and important for this company. Sorry I can't give you permission."

Raina was shocked, the only thing she could remember was a shouting and crying face of Dia. She would kill her if she won't participate in her wedding.

She rubbed her temple with her finger and hesitantly said, "Sir. It's really very important. I can do overtime before taking my leave."

Rohan's secretary poked her nose, "But Raina.. You already work till 7 p:m which is two hours past office "

Raina gave a pointed look at his direction. She thought, 'Here I am struggling for leave and he is making my work more tough.'

Rohan's secretary gave her a sheepish smile and left the cabin giving the excuse of some work.

Adhiraj said, "Ms. Raina, on that day an important meeting is going to be held, and you are needed here."

Raina huffed in tension,she wasn't expecting that. It was her bestie cum sister's wedding.

Adya noticed her tensed feature, she looked at Adhiraj with puppy eyes pleading him.

Adhiraj looked at his sister , it was not normal that Adya would try to convince him for any person. But who could resist their sister's wish especially when a talented employee was also involved ? ?

He said, "Ms. Raina, you can take two days off but if we will need you then you will have to be present here."

Rouan objected, "But Adhiraj."

Adhiraj showed him his hand signalling him to shut up.

A wave of relief crossed her tensed face. She said smiling a little with twinkle in her eyes, "Thanks sir and I assure you, I will be present here when I will be needed."

She left the cabin. Adhiraj turned to Adya, "So what's the matter with this girl.? "

Adya said, "Bhai sa, you remember, that day I told you that a girl dropped me at your penthouse . Even when it was raining and she had to take U-turn."

Adhiraj nodded listening her. He remembered , the moment he opened his door at night, his sister soaked in rain entered his house.

He was furious after knowing that her phone was battery dead and her cab broke down in an isolated area, and she didn't informed him just because of a stupid surprise. But according to his sister, an unknown girl helped her.

Adya said, "That girl was Raina."

Adhiraj was slightly stunned listening her. He was impressed before by her work but now subconsciously, Raina had gained that one word thing called TRUST of Adhiraj Singh Rathore and even he didn't know that.

Adya said getting up, "Bhai sa, I should make a move. My work is already done here so I am going back to penthouse."

With that she left the place. Suddenly his intercom rang. He heard his PA's voice, "Sir an important call is here about the collaboration."

Adhiraj said in his usual cold voice, "Transfer the call."

A familiar dominating voice said from the other side, "Hello Mr. Rathore."

Adhiraj furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Was it some kind of joke?

He said in confusion laced voice, "Pranam Baba sa. Why did you called me through office landline.? My phone is here."

(A/N - Pranam- A greeting )

His father said in pure professional tone, "Because I wanted to talk to the CEO of Rathore Enterprises not to my son."

Adhiraj sensed his voice , "Yes Baba sa. I am all ears. What is it? "

Uday said, "Mr. Rathore I am proposing your company's merger with Rajputana business empire."

Adhiraj couldn't believe his father. Merger?
Merger with Rajputana empire?
It means Rathore enterprises will lose it's identity.

Adhiraj asked, "Baba sa, what are you saying..? It's......."
He trailed off not knowing what to say?

His father understood his dilemma, "Adhiraj, I know what you are thinking but tell me one thing? After you will be back here, you will have to take the control of Rajputana in your hands. How will you manage two companies along with the title of Yuvraj? I know you can. But you are not only a young aspiring businessman whom the world knows. You are the Yuvaraj and soon to be the king of Suryagarh* estate. Think wisely and then tell me your answer."

Uday Singh Rathore hanged up the phone leaving his son in the whirlwind of confusion.


A/n ___* When there was monarchy, the kings kept their area's name to describe their rule. But now many of those places got modern names. I will describe how monarchy is still ruling when India is a republic country in upcoming chapters .

Suryagarh is their estate's name.
Surya- sun. God Sun or Suryadev is their cherished Deity and it is believed that he is their ancestor. They are called Suryavanshi.

And even I am a Suryavanshi. 🙈

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