22. Life in Jodhpur

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|Some words:

Rana sa: King.

Raina rested her head on the chair. Finally the work load was over after two weeks of hardwork.. She took a long breath and leisurely looked around her cubicle. It was a spacious and separate cubicle which ensured proper concentration in the work.

Neha stepped inside her cubicle and asked, "All work done??"

Raina sat straight and nodded her head. Neha said, "Then come and join us for a coffee. Everyone is free."

Raina looked at her with puppy eyes silently saying to let her stay alone.

Adya also came there and asked, "What happen?? Why are you both still here? "

She turned to Neha, "I told you to bring her along , and here you are chatting."

Neha pointed toward Raina. Adya looked at her with poker face and dragged her to the seating area on the floor.

Raina didn't say anything because she knew that Adya would start scolding her.

Some couches and chairs were placed near coffee machine. It was like a mini canteen on the floor. They settled on their seats.

Approximately twenty persons were seating there. This floor was most important so a comparatively small amount of people worked there consisting few new employees from Rathore Enterprises too.

Raina still remembered the day when she came to know that they will be working in the Rajputana's office. It's sounded a bit off to her , obviously why another company will use other company's office.

After that she got another news which was a good one and that was her promotion. Along with her, Neha was also promoted even she deserved one as she was working with Rathore's for almost an year .

Raina's sudden boost in the career in just one and half months shocked some of employees. Jatin said that it was an indirect profit of her friendship with Akshit but even his subconscious knew that it was her pure hardwork.

Then the another shocking news that they will be working on the floor of CEO...Raina was hyperventilating when she stepped in this office or more precisely this floor as she didn't wanted to face some people but thanks to overloaded work, it kept her over busy not only in office but also in the apartment which she was sharing with Neha. Thanks to the company that they provided apartments to the employees.

She drowned herself in work during her sleepless night. More or less she was scared of those nightmares that's why she trolled herself with work to the extreme level of exhaustion so that every night during 2 or 3 a:m, her brain wasn't left with the power of dreaming and she got peaceful sleep of few hours.

Finally after two weeks , workload was over so they were having a break in between their working hours but who would stop them? They had worked their ass off in last weeks so they deserved a carefree time.

A man in his late fifties was also among them chatting freely with his coworkers. Mr. Agarwal smiled at Raina. No doubt Raina had made a soft spot in his heart with her dedication towards her work and her helpful nature.

He was working in Rajputana empire since forever and he was a pretty senior in the office too. But due to some health problems, he had to take leave for some days resulting in an important deadline in the work.

Even nobody could help him at that time because they all have their own good share of work. At that moment of crisis, Raina helped him.

He was reluctant at first to take her help as she was new in the office but after observing her work he decided to take her help.

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