28. Threat

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Raina was anxious on monday , she was afraid to encounter Adhiraj in office. But she had noticed that she hadn't seen him in that new office even once when she came Jodhpur. She had visited him only on THAT day.

Her alert mode was on excessive high level. She was extremely conscious about her surrounding always hiding beneath the files in her cubicle and when she would go to her apartment, she would lock up herself in her room finding clues which would lead her to her next destination. She badly needed to understand the business scenario of Jodhpur.

Two days, two days went without any problem . After office hours, a coworker invited them for a small treat as it was her birthday.

Raina was reluctant to go but after the sheer insistence from her work mates she agreed, she thought to loosen up a bit, past few days were very troublesome .

They reached a cosy food hub after their working hours. It was just two shops away from their office premises. With music playing in background and their funny chatting Raina looked comfortable.

Maybe that was what she needed, people surrounding her so that she could forgot her situation for a while but she herself was sceptical in connecting with different people.

After filling their stomach with different and delicious stuff, they exited the restaurant.

Raina saw a beautiful chocolate gift box with flowers so she thought to gift it to her colleague.

She went to buy it hurriedly as they were leaving the place, she came out and saw that they were waiting for her near th parking lot. But Neha and that girl was near the entrance.

Raina gave her the gift smilingly wishing her once again. Neha signalled her to move outside. She nodded and started descending the few stairs which were on the main gate to go down in parking lot.

Suddenly she felt a sudden push on her back. She fell on Neha who was walking foreward, but her hands caught railing on perfect time, she looked behind her back and she was shocked to see the same man, same man who had stabbed Adhiraj on that night and managed to escape when villagers reached at that place.

When he saw that Raina didn't fall and security guard was running to catch him, he jumped over the railing and ran towards the road followed by guards. Soon he disappeared taking the advantage of reigning darkness of late evening.

Raina was in shock but soon a high pitched scream seek her attention. Neha was lying near last stair and she was trying to stand up by taking support from the people but couldn't.

Concluding that she fell because of her, Raina ran towards Neha who was crying by then holding her ankle.

Raina removed her hand which was pressed on her foot and saw her ankle swelling. She looked at the people surrounding them and shouted, "Call the ambulance please."

Suddenly she felt something on her back again but it was not a push like earlier, it was more like pulling her shirt.

She moved her eyes up to give a piece of mind to that person. Adhiraj had a paper in his hand and he was looking very serious , jaw clenched and his eyes were furious.

She didn't dare to look at him again. Just then ambulance came , Neha was already lying inside. Raina was also going to sit with her but a sudden grip on her wrist halted her movement.

Without any hesitation, Adhiraj pulled her away from the the people. She looked at him in bewilderment and tried to free her hands looking back at the ambulance. He stopped and pulled her foreward to stand face to face.

He showed her the paper and asked, "Who did this Ms. Raina.?"

She looked at him in confusion but her expression changed with a speed of lightning when she read what was written in bold letters on that paper.

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