39.His messed up feelings

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A BOOM update for my readers.... Go go go... Read it.. And don't forget to comment... 🙂🙃

Adhiraj saw her going inside the palace with the help of maid, he turn and took that paper. He got to know that some journalist published about those men's death, but it was nothing. Just a local newspaper wrote something about the 'Accident'.

He threw it in dustbin and made a walk to his room but a servant came and inform him that his father was looking for him.

Adhiraj sighed, he was already tired but his father was looking forward to give him some more work.


One weak passed, Adhiraj, Adya, Adhvan and Rohan was in conference room waiting for a client and other persons.

Now a days, Adhiraj was behaving very silent and reserved and the sole reason was his a week old conversation with his father. He had to invest his time and money in Chauhan's business and also he had to pretend to try to know his daughter which was really very irritating for him.

Business was okay but pretending a courtship period with that snobbish girl was something extreme and also against his ethics but he had no choice.

His father had commanded him to play along, he wanted to destroy Jayant Chauhan from inside. Reason? His father didn't disclosed it yet saying that he will come to know about it on right time.

He was working on his laptop when Rohan broke the silence, "So, how are the thing with Chauhans going?"
He meant to ask many things, they had tracked down a small data breech that too from the palace.

Someone was betraying Royals, and as usual Adhiraj was eager to find that person as soon as possible. To his relief that breech was nothing harmful but still they had to be careful, next time that person could do something more big.

All this things was messing with his mind. Even his family didn't know about that data breech. It was between him and Rohan along with some white collared computer experts.

Adhiraj shook his head in positive really not wanting to talk about it in front of Adya and Adhvan.

"Rohan Bro. Of course, he will be happy. He is going to get married.", Adya said in a fake happy tone.

Adhiraj shook his head on her comment, she and Adhvan was also not happy on this just like him, but he was not sulking everytime.

"Seriously.. Bhai sa. Marrying a snob?", Adhvan shook his head.

"I am not going to marry her Adya. We are just planning to keep them busy in this thing. We are just giving them a false satisfaction of winning.", Adhiraj said in a calm tone with his gaze still fixed on the screen.

"What if you will have to marry her?",Adya showed her insecurity on which her brother shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly like it didn't matter to him.

Everybody fell silent after seeing his silent attitude.

After couple of minutes, Adya exclaimed, "Bhai sa!!! You are already married."

"WHAT!!??", other three men shouted at her sudden statement.

"Yeah. You are already married.Married to Raina.", Adya gave a full blown smile like she had invented something new.

"Forced in marriage. If you are forgetting then let me remind you, we were forced. I was not in a responsive state and Raina was helpless.", Adhiraj said firmly, she was behaving childish.

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