40.Sneaking Out

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Jayant Chauhan and Sarvesh Rawal were seating opposite to each other.
Jayant smirked, "Finally, Royals agreed for the marriage as well as business."

Sarvesh shook his head, " Not for marriage, they are only thinking about it. Your girl still needs to trap that prince."

"It will be also done. But I must say , trapping that old lady I was very easy. Just few meetings, pretending some charity work and some soft words and Maheshwari Sisodiya was impressed by me.", Jayant laughed.

"That's why I told you to get closer to her. She is an easy access to the personal life of Rana Uday Singh Rathore.", Sarvesh said on which Jayant nodded.

"Only if that data breech was successful then we would have half of their company's information by now.", Sarvesh hissed venomously.


Raina was seating in the garden , her eyes were staring at the infinity of sky. The dark circles under her eyes were clear , no makeup was hiding them at that moment. She was seating there with her guards down, her vulnerability were on full show but there were no audience to see it.

From past week her sleeping time reduced to nil and nightmares were on it's peak. That's why she used to come in garden after dinner time to collect her thoughts.

She started walking slowly thinking the accident of a day before yesterday.

Flashback :-

Raina entered the police station with her full preparation. Scarf wrapped around her neck,hair strings falling on her face and that cat eye specs covering her face and giving her new and completely different look.

She spotted a police constable there, she went near him and asked him the way to his senior. He guided her to his cabin.

She sat in front of the young police inspector and started with a smile,"Hello sir. I am script writer from Mumbai. I work on Television Series."

She showed him her fake id card with some extra documents proving her to be a person from film-making company, she had to do this herself. Her informer couldn't arrange more information regarding this issue, as a result she had to jump directly in the issue.

She had prepared everything prior coming here, she didn't want any loopholes in her plan.

She had contacted one of Dia's friend who works in a film-making company and requested her for this favor and she couldn't deny as Raina helped her in her college days when she needed it badly, so she arranged her papers.

When he was convinced enough by her papers, she started her plan...

"I am preparing for a crime show which deals with real-life murders, kidnapping, forgery and many more so that people can be more aware from the crimes budding around them. So can you help me with that?", she asked with hopeful eyes.

The inspector was thinking over it with a frown on his face.

"Even we will introduce you on our show.", Raina quickly said trying to lure him. True to her assumptions a twinkle came in his eyes.

He grinned,"Yeah, yeah of course. Police is always ready to help people. I will definitely help you."

Raina took a breath of relief, "Thank you sir , it means a lot. Actually I want to know about some particular cases of Jodhpur."

The Crowned PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang