Chapter 17

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Shock, confusion, sadness, anger , fury, hurt, disappointment filled me as I could hardly believe what I saw.  Felicia and Mr Obi stood up immediately both of them trying to put themselves to rights . I shook my head at Felicia and ran out not bothering to hide the tears on my face.

Of all people, Felicia!
Why? Since when?

Since we were on break, students filled the entire premises and I couldn't get a corner to stay so I kept going until I got to the arts building of the school.  I entered the block and climbed the stairs till I reached the top floor and entered the old music room.  The place was now useless since there was now a new music room on the second floor and sometimes my friends and I came here to read or get away from others . It was like our special spot in the school since students hardly bothered to climb the stairs to this place.

I sat in one of the desks send face palmed myself and cried. I could hardly believe it. Felicia and that disgusting old fool. 

How?Why? Just Why?

What happened to 'we can never allow all Tom, Dick and Harry sleep with us'. What happened to 'Our parents taught us better'?

This was unbelievable, depressing, heartbreaking, shocking, I couldn't even describe it.

I didn't want to judge her but...... Why?
Was she going through any problem so bad that required sleeping with the principal?
Was that why she had been  so down lately?

I wanted to support her, I wanted a reason to justify her actions but none was forthcoming.

Felicia was so focused, she wasn't easily distracted but she wasn't one to be forced either. So Felicia was one of the students who had satisfied Mr Obi?
No No No

I didn't notice  her come in until she came and stood in my front
"Jasmine " my name came out like a whisper and she couldn't even look me in the eye

"Why?" That was all I could say. 

I ignored her tear stained cheeks and pressed on
"Felicia, do you sleep around? "

She looked at me with shock, then anger
"How can you say that?" She raised her voice

"I'm sorry, but.."
She held up her hand stopping me from talking and sobbed violently

"I had to do it. I had no choice "

I shook my head "Fe Fe, you have a choice " I said calling her by her nickname.  That showed I was here for her. I wasn't leaving her or condemning her. She wouldn't do this on her own, something must have triggered it.

"We need money for my mum's treatment badly " she started "She's getting worse by the day and she won't let my dad take from the money meant for our school fees to treat her. So, I. ..I "
She stopped,  shaking violently with sobs and I held her tight

"I went to the principal to see if he could help me with taking my case to the owners of the school because I heard they helped someone recently. But.....he....he asked that I sleep with him before he helps me and after he does, I should continue sleeping with him or else he would tell them I no longer needed help"

Oh God, that lecherous goat took advantage of a student who needed his help
This was too much, just too much

"That was how they initiated the scholarship scheme and he gave me the questions that they used for setting the exam and even got the solutions from the subject teachers"

She shook her head cutting me off
"I had to do it"

Hell no!
She didn't have to do it

"You didn't have to "

"I had to!" She shouted "Jasmine, my mother is dying and she won't be treated with our school fees. I feel guilty that she's dying and there's money there but she wants us to use it to go to school. Jasmine, I'm going to school to make her proud and she has to be alive to see me become successful"

Ah no, she shouldn't think this way

"Felicia, don't say that.  She won't want you to do this you know. I don't want you to do this either.  This isn't how you should get help. Please "

"Jasmine, do you think this is easy for me? Do you think this is what I want to do? "

"Then don't do it.  Look at what the sight of that scene I saw just now did to me. Imagine what it would do to your mum. The shock and hurt of that would probably kill her faster than the cancer "

Felicia shook her head
"Look at the pain and hurt you feel just by mere seeing what was going on.  Now imagine the pain I'd be going through as I'm the one actually doing it.  I can't stand the sight of myself sometimes . I can't even look at myself in the mirror and smile. Imagine how I feel. Imagine how hard it is for me. "

"Felicia.... please . Think about your faith, think about God, you're hurting  him also "

She laughed humourlessly "Which God are you talking about? The one we have been praying to for how long now?"

"He's the God of the eleventh hour" I reminded her and she hissed

"We don't have up to that time to wait for him !" She shouted "My mother, the woman that gave birth to me is dying and you're telling me to wait for the God of the eleventh hour. If he doesn't want me to do this then he would have done something first.  He would have given us at least a little ray of hope "

"But Felicia, what happened to our bodies can never be used for money? Our body is not the price. What happened to that?"

She took in a deep breath "Easier said than done.  When you're faced with that situation, you realise that you have to use what you have to get what you need. The money might not be so much but at least it's something.  This is a very tough decision for me" She paused and sobbed "But I have to do it. I'm sorry for letting you down and I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore, but-"

"Stop it" I cut her short "Why wouldn't I want to be your friend ? You're going through a hard time and you need me now more than ever so I'm here by your side "

I intended to keep my word to the letter.

There was  surprise, then happiness in her gaze "Thank you " she whispered and hugged me.

"But please, let this stay between us" she begged and I assured her it will. I wasn't going to stop praying for her and I wasn't going to leave her.


Break was long over and Felicia and I were back in the class and we both doged questions from Bimpe and Jemima and we stayed in silence.  I checked my time and it was twelve thirty. The time Mrs Ibeh asked me to meet her in the staffroom for my report card and I left the class praying that my position would be in my favour.

God, I need you.
I wasn't ready to be on the receiving end of dad's anger again. I just wanted this to turn out fine. I was scared and even shaking when I took my report card from Mrs Ibeh and the smile she gave as I took it did little to put me at ease. I thanked her and went outside.

Immediately I opened the report card, tears dropped down as I read my position.

I  came second.

Hmmm, what a day.
Felicia first, then Jasmine.  She came second.  Ha!  What will daddy dearest do o 😣😣🙆🙆

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God bless 😉😉😊😊

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