Chapter 30

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30 chapters!!!!!!!!!!
Hurray 💃💃💃🎊🎊🎊
Thanks to my readers , voters and those that drop  savage comments. If Michael comes out of this book ehn.......😂😂😂😂😂.

Anyways, here goes :

We all looked at mum who looked surprised herself

"Mabel is this true?!" Grandma shouted

"Is what true?!" Mum snapped back at grandma and turned to dad

"Where did you get such information from?!"

"Don't even try to lie because a DNA test confirmed it "

"Oh please! Biko ,  how petty and childish can you get? !"

"Now I'm childish? I was deceived by you for fourteen years. Did you think  I wouldn't find out?  How I behaved towards you and your bastard --"

Dad was cut short by another slap from mum "My child is not a bastard. Never say that again "

"Mabel please be calm and let's resolve this issue?" Daddy January begged but mum was having none of it

"No!  I won't because I want to know why Michael was this wicked towards me. Even if Jasmine is not his child, does that give him the right to treat her the way he did? He put Jasmine and I  through so much pain and I was there trying to make things work and when I couldn't, I asked for a divorce and he refused. Why didn't he just ask me about it ? Coward "

"Why would he ask you?  So that you can deny it  okwa ya? " Aunty Chika shouted

I  sent a nasty glare in Aunty Chika's direction not caring if she saw me. This entire family disgusted me

"Chika, I swear if you insult me one more time. I will do something drastic  here today " mum retorted and when Aunty Chika attempted to protest, Daddy J cut her short

"Chika, it's okay! You, Michael when you found out about this, why didn't you confront Mabel? "

"Ask him " mum said amidst tears

"I wanted to but I was so angry, so that day, I went to see Michelle and when I told her, she said the best way was to punish Mabel and her daughter. She was the one who convinced me to behave the way I did towards Jasmine and Mabel. Sometimes, I'd say it was too much but she often reminded me that what Mabel did was worse. Pinning a pregnancy on me and all of that. "

I shook my head in disbelief and mum shaking with sobs crying profusely.

A woman was behind all dad did?!

Mum wiped her tears furiously and shook her head, flashing a sad smile

"So you did all you did just to punish me? You put me through hell to satisfy yourself. You know what? I'm done" she turned to Mummy J "Ma, please do you have cotton bud, a ziploc bag and scissors? "

Mummy J was as confused as the rest of us but she managed to nod and get the items mum asked for. When she came back, mum took the cotton bud and swabbed inside my mouth and she took the scissors and cut some strands of my hair and put them in the ziploc bag and threw them at dad

"I'm very sure you know what these are. They can be used for a DNA test. Jasmine, get up. We're leaving "

She stood up refusing help from anyone and looked at dad

"You and your family put my daughter and I through hell and that is what will be done to you buy those you least expect. You will be punished for every tear my daughter and I have shed because of you. "

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