Chapter 27

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Bimpe looked at me with her mouth wide open and I looked at her with a straight face.

I was shocked but then , I warned everyone about Aramide.  The two lovers either chose to ignore Bimpe and I or they were too deep in their love making to notice us

"Won't a bedroom with a large sized bed be better for this?" Bimpe asked sarcastically, anger radiating from her pores and the lovers separated abruptly and turned to face us

"B....Bimpe, you're here?" Aramide asked while Joseph simply looked away and began buttoning his shirt

They were even about to go naked.

Where's Aunty Chika when I need her ?

"No o, I'm in your father's house" Bimpe said seething

Aramide sighed "See , Bimpe I can explain. The thing is...... how do I put it now? "

"The thing is we're in a relationship" Joseph spoke and Bimpe hissed and clapped her hands

" E gba mi. You're in a relationship, ehn Aramide "

"Look Bimpe, stop acting like her mother. You're being such a spoilsport and you're behaving so old fashioned.  Stop being hypocritical. All the boys you've turned down I know you want them but you're just being proud. Now your jealous Ara has a boyfriend and that's me and I won't let you talk to her anyhow " Joseph spoke

"And I won't let you talk to my best friend anyhow" I retorted  "man whore like you. You're accepting Uyai's flirting and coming here to kiss Aramide. Eranwe "

"Jasmine, what's your problem? Who invited you?  If you say any nonsense now I will -"

"You will do what?" Bimpe cut her short. "Aramide, are you even listening to yourself?  You that is advocate for keep your body to yourself. You that quotes Bible like there was Bible in the womb with you. Aramide, we once caught two SS2 students kissing and you began to preach  to  them and you avoid them like plague and told those who cared to listen to avoid them that they were not children of God and here you are doing the same thing "

"Bimpe. .."

"No, I'm not done. You're an advocate for 'No high school relationships'. You say the Bible is against it. Gosh! Aramide your ringtone is 'Somebody shout Alleluuuuuia' . Your WhatsApp 'about ' is Aramide Omo Olorun. You even called Uyai a prostitute recently"

"Bimpe, kilode nau?  Shey kiss pere lo fa gbogbo wahala yii?  Aramide snapped and Bimpe's jaw dropped and I hissed.

The animal is not even remorseful

"Aramide, no. The kiss is not the cause of the problem but the fact that you're such a liar and a two faced snake. To think that I considered you as a good friend as one whose values I'd love to emulate not knowing that you're the exact opposite of who you claim to be. It shows that you don't consider me a friend. I'm just an acquaintance that you deceive like the rest. Maybe you can even go behind my back and do something terrible to me " Bimpe retorted in anger. At least she wasn't shedding tears

"You're taking it too personal o " Aramide replied "if you're behaving like this, how do you expect my mother to behave? It's my life and I can do whatever I damn want with it. This is me, maybe you were not supposed to find out this way but you've found out. Your values and mine are not the same thing , my parents are just forcing me to be who I'm not because my dad is a pastor. This is me! If you're not comfortable with who I am then feel free to leave my life. "

"Aramide " I said out loud

"Eh hen!  Eh hen!  Jasmine what is it?  I'm even tired of you people sef. Person wey go make heaven go make am. It's not as if you people don't have skeletons in your own cupboard" Aramide snapped and I sent her a nasty glare

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