Chapter 36

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Initially, I didn't believe Bimpe's announcement  but as the weeks went by, I realised that it was true and soon it was no longer just sadness but raw anger directed at Bimpe.

How could she first date Joseph of all boys and then ditch her friends for such guy? Even Felicia and Jemima were disappointed but we couldn't deny the fact that we missed her. Somehow, some things didn't add up. Aramide's boyfriend just ditched her for Bimpe and the girl was not angry neither did she fight Bimpe or anything of the sort rather she even smiled at us and most times acknowledged us.

Bimpe and Joseph's relationship really shocked people and the two of them were always busy serving couple  goals and they were on their way to becoming the school's power couple.

I shook my head as if that would get thoughts of them out of my mind because I wasn't ready to tend to the anger that came whenever I thought about Bimpe.

I sat in my class working on an English summary passage ignoring the noise around me so I could concentrate. Felicia had gone to use the restroom while Jemima was busy with a teacher.

The dragging of Felicia's chair beside me announced that someone had come but I ignored the sound until few seconds later and I looked up to see a weary Felicia

"What's the matter? " I asked her penning down the last sentence and mentally giving a sigh of relief

"I'm done for" she replied. I looked at her and found her staring into space with an unfocused gaze. Her cheeks were tear stained and her voice husky from crying. I took a deep breath and dropped my pen with my gaze focused on her all the while

"Is it Mr Obi again? " I asked her. After her mum's death, he refused to end the ridiculous affair and threatened Felicia in so many ways that she had to succumb. I remember how angry I felt when the man threatened her and I felt angrier when she succumbed without a fight.

"It's him and partly me " she whispered confusing me.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pregnant again"


My eyes widened in shock and my hands flew to my mouth at the unpleasant surprise wondering why this was happening. This spelt doom and I could see things were not going to end well


She gave me a knowing look and I rolled my  eyes "Didn't you say you guys use protection? "

"We haven't used it this past month" she confessed and I looked at her in shock

"What were you thinking? For goodness sake that man has slept with God knows how many and you had unprotected sex " I snapped and she whispered

"Bring down your voice "

I nodded and she mouthed a 'thank you ' while I basked in anger and disbelief at her sudden naivete.

"What do you want to do now? " I asked her after seconds of uncomfortable silence but she didn't answer rather signalled me to stand up and follow her. We left for our little haven and when we got there, she planted her hands on her hips and paced

"I honestly don't know what to do "

I frowned and chewed on my lower lip.

I had nothing to say

"Is this how I'll keep aborting pregnancies? " she asked and my gaze  quickly shifted to her

"You're aborting?"

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