Chapter 23

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True to my prediction, the abortion was having its emotional effects on Felicia and it was hard not to notice how distant she was getting. Our first Continuous Assessment for the term was coming up soon and of course teachers were reminding us of it every day.

We were just returning from the assembly and the entire class was noisy as we began to prepare for our maths class. Immediately the siren wailed, our maths teacher Mr Segun walked into the class and audible sighs were heard everywhere even as we stood to greet him.  The man always entered class as if he was waiting for the siren to wail.

Sometimes I wondered if he was a magician. Maths class was a semi -geography class because no one dared disturb in Mr Segun's class not for fear of his cane but for fear of his punishment. Mr Wusliu knew how to flog while Mr Segun was the punishment general but he still held a cane just for show. Despite that, he was still a bit nice but that strictness was unmissable.
It didn't surprise us when we heard he was Mr Wusliu's nephew

"Turn to the back of your notes let's do our small classwork" Mr Segun announced rubbing his bald head causing some people to chuckle. The head shone and was shaped like an egg and the man still like rubbing it

"Who are those that laughing?" Mr Segun asked and everyone was seen trying to hold their laughter. Even Felicia was nearly bursting with laughter.

Which one is who are those that laughing?

Jemima as the responsible one among us was giving Felicia and I deadly glares even though we could see her struggling to hold back her own laughter.

"Now take these questions " Mr Segun announced and began to dictate a total of five questions

"You have five minutes " he said and some people shouted "Sir five minutes is too small na"

I rolled my eyes as I began solving. Those ones were just wasting their time because he would not increase the time. Today is not the first time.

"Don't solve, be complaining " he said and soon the class became quiet.

Five minutes later, Mr Segun stopped us and had us mark our answers then we went on with the class.

At the end of the class, we were given eleven questions as homework and some students  murmured knowing that Mr Segun dare not hear them but he did

"Those that are murmuring,  eku ise o. Don't you know I'm helping you? "

That's what they always say

"We don't want this help o " Kemi murmured and Mr Segun frowned in concentration

"Who said we don't want this help o?"

Now, we were all grateful to Kemi for speaking our minds but we were not ready to bear the punishment with her at all. I positioned myself in a comfortable way because I knew drama was about to unfold.

Me, I must watch film o

"As if the one in your house is not better film." My subconscious told me and I shook my head at myself and continued watching the maths drama.

"I said who said we don't need your help o " Mr Segun shouted hitting his cane furiously on the desk in front of him and the girl that owned the desk, Cynthia moved back for fear of the cane.

Nobody answered Mr Segun but I suspected people knew it was Kemi because of the sideway glances some students were giving her.

"Okay, you're hiding the person abi " Mr Segun said
"Oya all of you in that area stand up" he said pointing at Kemi's area which unfortunately included Uyai but our beauty queen didn't stand up and the rest eyed her vigorously until Mr Segun spoke

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