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5 years later

Shuichi was sitting on a chair, in front of his computer. He was now twenty two years old, he had moved out of his uncle's house and got himself a small but cozy department.

He had grown at least five centimeters and his facial features had transformed into more adult-like ones.

He still worked as a detective, but mainly did his job at home, receiving files from the investigations.

It took him some time to be able to go back to a normal life after Kokichi had ran away. He had to go through a trial, where he was judged for protection and betrayal. He was sure he had actually lost, and suspected that his uncle had paid an amusing amount of money in exchange of his nephew's freedom, thing that made him feel extremely guilty.

His friend, Kaede, had to go through a trial as well because of her confession of tampering with something as important as a crime scene. Luckily, and without any problems, she was declared innocent, since it was proofed she was threatened by the orphanage. Two years later, she was able to drop the job of a cop and became a successful pianist.

The orphanage, well, with the help of the kids who had grown up in there, was demolished and the people who ran business in there were caught and immediately arrested.

Shuichi kept in touch with his new friends, Rantaro, Miu, Kiibo and Gonta. Fortunately, nobody was able to figure out that they were the people who helped with the escape plan.

Maki was finally able to get a small job as a kindergarten teacher. It was surprising for everyone, since she looked like someone who couldn't stand being with kids.

Life was peaceful... everything felt nice...



The boy snapped out of his thoughts when the doorbell rang. He wasn't expecting any visitors. He hesitantly walked towards the door and opened it.

Behind it was a man, who wore a uniform. He held out an envelope for Shuichi to grab.

"Ah? Thank you...?" He said. The guy nodded and left without saying a word.

The detective looked down at the yellow envelope he was holding. Was this really for him? He hadn't bought anything, or hascommunicating with anyone through letters.

He ran a hand through his hair and closed the door. He made his way back to his chair to check what was inside.

He carefully opened the envelope, inside was a sheet of paper. He slowly took it out and unfolded it.

"Dear Mr. Saihara,
You have been chosen as a student in the famous university Hope's Peak Academy for talented young adults with the title of «Ultimate Detective».
Classes begin on September 1st.
We anxiously wait for a response.
Have a nice day,
Headmaster Jin Kirigiri."

He let the letter fall on the desk. So it was true? Had he really been accepted into Hope's Peak? He had received a mail some days ago, but completely ignored it, thinking it was some kind of prank.

As fast as the wind, he opened his mailbox. There it was, the e-mail sent to him as an invitation which he had completely played a blind eye on.

He quickly clicked on it and wrote a reply.

"Good afternoon. I apologize for not responding earlier, I gladly accept the offer of having the opportunity to study in Hope's Peak. I'm truly grateful."

He pressed the 'send' button and relaxed on his chair. He took a sip of his coffee and stood up to go to the bathroom.

The boy was stunned when he saw a notification pop up on the corner of his computer once he had come out of bathroom.

"Forbidden Love" (Saiouma/Oumasai story)Where stories live. Discover now