Part 8 :)

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Louis POV

Louis walked away holding his breath, his heart was thumping loudly but also fluttering at the same time. He quickly scurried over to Niall who was waiting for him at the VIP guest section. As soon as he arrived he let out his breath and clutched his stomach. Niall raised his eyebrows.

"Wow haven't seen you freak out that much in a conversation since you actually got into the team." He smirked as he leaned against the railing in front of him. "So who's the lucky fella that you're taking out on a date?"

Louis blushes deep red and looked down, trying to avoid Niall eye contact.

"I'm not taking him out on a date Niall...."
He said embarrassingly.

"Oh, is he straight?"

"I don't know Niall! I didn't ask him!

"Well why not?"

"You don't ask someone if they're straight or not when you've only talked for a minute or two!"

"So if you didn't ask him ,what was on the paper that you gave him that's making you so nervous?"

Louis sighed, "I gave him my Instagram name and told him to text me."

A pause.

"That's it? That's what's making you so nervous? He's probably a fan and he's probably already following you! Why is he making you so nervous?"

Louis signed. Why IS he making me so nervous?

"I don't know, he was really nice and he was all shy and at some point he giggled and it was so adorable cause he has these little dimples! He also-"

"Okay okay!" Niall interrupted, "if I don't stop you now you'll start rambling." Louis smiled you himself all giddy because he knew that was true. He could ramble on about Harry for a long time. "You're completely obsessed with him Louis, and you only talked with him for minute, you don't even know if he's gay!"

This made Louis' smile drop. Niall was right, Harry was probably straight, and he was so good looking he probably had girls throwing themselves at him all the time.

"Uggghhhh" Louis groaned, burying his head is his hands, his fingers gripping the edge of his feathery hair. "You're right he's probably straight, and even if he isn't I probably scared him away by being too straight forward."

Niall put a reassuring hand on Louis' shoulder, "look mate, if he doesn't text you he's either straight or just not interested, cause you made it pretty clear you were interested so he'll know what you're about. If he does, he's either a super big fan and just wants a chance to DM you or he's interested too! Now you just have to wait to see what happens."

"Yeah ok..." Louis muttered. "I have to go, I have to do at least one or two interviews before I'm allowed to leave." Niall nodded and sat back down in his seat.

"Okay I'll wait for you."

Louis shot him a small smile and walked towards a random interviewer, who quickly fixed her posture and sent Louis a seducing smile as he walked nearer. Ew. Just ew. Louis thought to himself. Louis came out as bisexual a couple years back but sometimes he wished he had just come out as gay to avoid these type of interviewers. He stood next to the woman and introduced himself, even though she was obviously aware of who he was. He faced the camera and waited for the woman to finish the quick introduction, the pair of green eyes and curly hair never leaving his mind.

Harry. He smiled to himself. The name suited him so well.
Larry melts my heart 😭 ❤️

Right Now - [Larry Stylinson] ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora