Part 13 :)

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(A/N sorry it's been ages since I last updated)

Louis POV

"Niall what the fuck was that?!" Louis practically yelled at his phone. Niall snickered on the other end of the phone call.

"I told you it would be eventful! Now you know he's gay! Boom."

Louis covered his eyes with his hand, groaning, as he collapsed onto his couch.

"Niall you don't just ask people that! What is wrong with you?!" 

Niall snickered once again, clearly enjoying his friends despair.

"When you refused to come to Holmes Chapel I had to take matters upon myself. I didn't even have to pay for a hotel cause I have friends here! You have to admit it was genius."

"I hate you! Get your little Irish ass back here before you embarrass him even more."

"You were right by the way, he is quite cute and his hair is so very curly..." Niall said in a sneaky tone.

"No stop! He's mine Niall." Louis said, almost with a growl as he heard Niall laughing his ass off at the other end of the line.

"Relax little elf, I'm straight you know that!"

Louis huffed at the nickname.

"Whatever. When are you coming home?"

"Awww, does little Louis miss me? That's sweet..."

"I don't miss you, you idiot. I'm just wondering how soon I should start planning your death. I'm thinking something symbolic, you know? Maybe a bathtub to drown you in."

"How is THAT symbolic?"

"I don't know, maybe I'll add rose petals in the water to float around your dead body!" Louis said, a smirk forming on his thin lips. Niall just laughed,

"Whatever dude, you might be embarrassed or something but deep down you're happy you now know."

Louis signed, knowing that what Niall said had a certain ring of truth to it.

"I still don't like you." He grumbled, making Niall laugh again,

"I'm gonna come home tomorrow, anyway I gotta go, I just arrived at my friends house. Now that you know, TEXT HIM. I did not just ask him that stuff for you to give up. So when I get home tomorrow I expect a Larry conversation to be happening."

Louis snorted, getting up from his couch to close the curtains as the sky was becoming dark.

"Larry? Seriously?"

"Harry and Louis. Now did you understand what I said?" Niall demanded, making Louis roll his eyes,

"Yes I understood. Now bye."

"Byeeeeeee" he heard Niall saying before hanging up on him.

Louis sighed and opened his conversation with Harry, his fingers were hovering over the keyboard as he decided what to write.

To @ harry.styles
Hey Harry! How have you been?

His breath hitched as he clicked send and put his phone down on the table without turning it off so he could still get a clear vision of the screen.

"Fuck." He muttered under his breath, "this should not be making me so nervous...". A couple seconds later his phone started buzzing. He sighed in disappointment when it wasn't Harry. Was I really expecting Harry to call me? He asked himself in disbelief.

He checked the collar ID and the word 'mum' appeared on the screen. He picked up the phone without thinking too much about it, knowing he had to pick up at some point since the last time had been months ago.


"Louis! Dear! You picked up! Finally!"

The happiness in her voice made Louis slightly smile.

"Yeah I'm here. What's up?" He asked awkwardly.

"I just wanted to check up on you, and I was wondering if you wanted to talk to the girls a bit? They miss you a lot."

Louis bit his lip and nodded as if his mum could see him.

"Yeah I'd like that, put them on."


Louis heard he mother call, her voice not as clear as before so he assumed she was calling Lottie downstairs.

"Louis!" Lotties high pitched voice came through.

"Lotts! How are you?" He said happily, making himself comfortable on the couch once more.

"I'm okay, so are the rest of the girls. We miss you though, why don't you come visit anymore?"

Louis sighed. Because I don't want to face mum after what happened. He thought to himself.

"I'm just very busy Lotts, and I also needed some time away after his death." He added quietly. He heard Lottie sigh on the other end of the call.

"Yeah I guess that makes sense. I still don't understand what he was even doing at 1 am in the car."

Louis gulped, trying to keep it together as tears started to form in his eyes. He knew very well why. But he didn't have the heart to tell any of the girls. If anything it should be mum to tell them not me. He thought to himself.

"Yeah, I wonder too." He said quietly. A pause occurred when neither of them knew what to say to each other.

"Well," she said clearing her throat, "do you wanna talk to Fiz? And I'll send you pictures of the twins afterwards."

Louis smiled and nodded.

"Yeah that would be nice. It was nice talking to you, I missed you Lotts."

"Me too, here's Fiz, bye!"


He heard shuffling on the other end of the line.

"Louiiiisss!" He heard Fizzy say happily, making him smile.

"Hey Fizzy! How have you been?"

"I've been good! I got a new doll a couple days ago!" She said matter of factly. Louis grinned and laughed.

"That's great Fiz!"

"Will you come visit us one day?"

Louis bit his lip. He didn't want to disappoint Fizzy.

"One day, yeah maybe."

"YAYYY!" She said excitedly. She started saying something else when the line went dead.

Louis grinned knowing Fizzy liked to play with the buttons and must have accidentally clicked the end call button. He soon received a message saying,

From mum
Hey it's Lottie! Fiz accidentally ended the call again, sorry! It was great talking to you. Here are some pictures of the twins.
*2 images attached*

Louis smiled at the pictures and saved them to his phone. He went into the kitchen to prepare a bowl of cereal for dinner. Soon his phone went off again and Louis looked over at the notification.

New message from @ harry.styles

Heyyy, so I know this chapter was boring but I wanted to show Louis' relationship with his family a bit. Will be important for the future.

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