Part 19 :)

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The next morning Louis and Harry were on the couch in the same position they had fallen asleep yesterday while watching a movie. Louis had woken up and was staring with a small smile on his face at Harry who was still fast asleep. Both of Harry's arms were wrapped around Louis' torso and Louis had his right hand stroking one of Harry's arms while the other was tangled in his curls.

Louis hadn't checked the internet yet but he was almost certain that pictures of him and Harry when Harry was helping him through the crowd of paparazzi would be posted. Though he was dreading seeing all the rumors and headlines he was more calm since Harry would be with him. Not only that but Harry had agreed to go public sometime soon, so depending on how bad the slut/boy toy rumors were they could do it today and shut them all down once and for all.

Harry shifted in Louis' arms bringing him back to reality. The corners of Harry's lips curled into a smile as he woke up wrapped in Louis' embrace. Louis tilted his head a little and pressed a small kiss to Harry's temple.

"Morning beautiful..." he murmured, burying his nose into Harry's hair. Harry was half asleep but still blushed crimson red at the name, he nuzzled his face into Louis hoodie to hide his blush, which only made Louis fond over him even more.

"Hi..." he said shyly. Louis laughed and tilted his head to get a better look at Harry.

"What? no good morning kiss?" Louis asked, pretending to be offended. Harry laughed, a sound which Louis loved.

"Nuh-uh, morning breath." he said shaking his head. Louis reached out to his chin, making Harry look up at him. He pouted and said,

"But then i'd have to wait until after we've had breakfast and brushed our teeth. "

Harry simply nodded and chuckled lightly at Louis' pouty face. Then it clicked in Harry's brain.

"Have you... checked online yet?" he asked quietly. Louis sighed then shook his head.

"No, i was waiting for you to wake up so we could do it together." he paused before continuing, "should we do it now.?"

"yeah sure..."

Harry shifted under Louis arms and sat up so he was next to him. Louis pulled his phone out and unlocked it. Sure enough, there were multiple pictures of them, with Harry's hand on his waist.  There were a lot of headlines as well, but most of them just talked about how Harry and Louis were still meeting up. Some of them were rude of course, and whenever the pair came across one Louis would squeeze Harry's hand and move on.

Oddly enough, under a lot of the headlines there were a lot of comments calling them cute and an adorable couple.

OMG the way he's protecting him from the paparazzi is EVERYTHING!

They're so freaking adorable together! I totally ship it!!

Holy crap! Larry Stylinson are together again! SO CUTE

Harry and Louis chuckled as they read the comments. After reading a couple more, Harry turned to Louis.

"Let's go public." Louis raised his eyebrows and looked back at Harry.

"Really?" he replied, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Harry nodded and returned the smile. Louis flung his arms around Harry and muttered an 'I love you' into his shoulder. Harry hugged back.

"I love you too baby..."

Now it was Louis' turn to blush at the pet name.

"Do you wanna do it after breakfast?"

Harry simply nodded in reply.

"Great then let's go. We need to eat quickly..." Louis said as he stood up, stretching before he leaned down and pulled Harry up with him.

"Why we have nothing to do today?"

"I know but i wanna kiss you and since you refuse to now we gotta hurry up."Louis replied turning around heading for the kitchen.

Harry grabbed a hold of his arm before he could leave though. He pulled him closer and used his right hand to cup Louis' cheek. He leaned in and pressed his soft lips to Louis. Louis sighed with happiness and kissed him back, slowly moving his lips together with Harry's in a passionate kiss. As they pulled away they looked each other in the eye.

"What changed your mind?" Louis asked Harry, while rubbing his thumb on Harry's cheek. Harry simply shrugged.

"Didn't feel like waiting." he said before leaning in a second time and pecking his lips. Louis smiled at him.

"Good, me neither... now for real let's go get breakfast i'm starving.


Larry is going public next chapter! EEK

PLEASEEEEE vote if you enjoyed i wanna know who's enjoying the story. I'm not gonna be one of those authors that say '1O votes for next chapter' but i'm just curious :)

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