Part 17 :)

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(A/N it's currently 1 AM and I'm writing this on my phone so sorry if it's turns out shit! Bye lovliesss!"


"Mate you gotta calm down! I get this is stressful but you need to take a deep breath and think of a logical way to deal with this! After all the rumors and stuff you've been through this isn't the worst!" Niall said as he places he hands on Louis' shoulders, trying to steady him from pacing around the room.

"Niall I don't care about me! Harry's identity was discovered from just a couple paparazzi pictures! The whole world thinks he's a slut and my new "Boy Toy"" Louis said, clearly exasperated. "This could literally affect the rest of his life! For me it's easy I just deal with the rumors like before! I have the necessary protection from the media but Harry's just a guy in college, he WILL be followed by paparazzi for a long time and even when the rumors die out people will remember and what if-"

"LOUIS! You're rambling! Calm the fuck down! Have you talked to Harry about all this? By now he's definitely seen everything that's online."

Louis collapsed down onto the couch and rested his head in his hands.

"I've tried but he hasn't been active and hasn't replied to my messages."

Niall took a seat next to him, patting his back awkwardly.

"Well have you tried calling him?"

Louis took his head out of his hands and let out a long breath as he leaned against the back of the couch, looking at his hands in his lap.

"Unfortunately our little date thing got crashed before we even got to exchange numbers. We only talked on Instagram until now so I can't even call him..."

"How about you go live on Instagram or something and tell people that he isn't what everything thinks he is! Tell everyone that he isn't a slut and even lie and say something like we're cousins to get him out of the spotlight."

Louis raised his eyebrows as he nodded, considering the idea. He'd have to let Harry know of course, get his permission beforehand but he didn't know how to do that if Harry wouldn't answer his messages.

He quickly sent a message to Harry explaining everything he was about do in hopes that he would see it before Louis' live.

As soon as he was done he went live on Instagram and just a couple seconds later 13,000 people had joined. After waiting a little longer he had 54,000 people viewing him so he decided he could start.

"Hey guys..." he hesitated on what to say next, mentally cursing himself for not having anything in particular ready to say. "So I'm sure most of you have heard the rumors by now...." he took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm just here to clear some things up. First off I'm gonna start of with Harry. Every single rumor concerning him and why he was with me is completely 100% false. He is NOT a slut and NOT my new 'boy toy'." He said firmly, his face scrunching up in disgust as he said the words boy toy. "Not only that he was NOT with me because I was using him as a rebound from my ex. Him and Eleanor have nothing to do with each other and quite frankly its disgusting how everyone jumped to conclusion on why I was with Harry in the first place. I was with him for personal reasons and those reasons are no ones else's business except ours. Social media has a way of manipulating things and making them seem different to what they actually are. This is a perfect example. I want everyone to stop calling Harry disgusting and filthy names and I also want everyone to let this drop. Right the fuck now." He said sternly, adding the last part to add more 'power' to what he had just said. He nodded, signaling he was finished. "Right, that's... pretty much all I have to say. Bye everyone."

He leaned forward and quickly pressed the stop button, ending his live. He sighed and looked over to Niall, who gave him a small smile and a thumbs up, showing him everything went fine and he didn't mess up somehow.

He sighed and sat down on the floor, leaning against the side of the couch, staring at his phone waiting for Harry to send something. He really hoped Harry or at least someone close to him had seen the live. But more than anything he hoped Harry hadn't believed all the rumors. .


Harry smiled lightly as the screen recording of Louis' live from Liams phone ended. Liam noticed his smile and nodded reassuringly, almost as if he read his mind.

Harry reached over his bed and grabbed his phone, he had a lot of notifications including ones from his sister and parents but the ones that stood out most on my locks screen where the ones from Louis.

from @louistomlinson91

Harry, I've just seen the posts and headlines, are you okay?

Any specific way you wanna deal with them?

Harry please please please answer I'm getting worried... :(

You're not online or answering my messages but I hope you're okay. I just want you to know all those rumors are fake I don't believe any of those things, and neither should you. You mean a lot to me... x

So just to warn you I'm about to go live on Instagram to explain a little bit but don't worry I won't say anything that isn't their business, just the essential, like denying the rumors and stuff. Hope you're okay with it. x

Harry beamed so big the sun was jealous. He sat up straight as his fingers hovered over the keyboard, trying to decide what to answer. He felt a bit guilty that he had made Louis worry about him so much so he quickly typed a reply to let Louis know everything was fine and that he was sorry he hadn't answered the previous messages.

Yayyyy Larry drama has been solved! :)))))
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