part 16 :(

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(A/N thank you soooo freakin much for 600+ reads holy crap!!!!)


Harry woke up the next day with his phone ringing loudly in his ears. He groaned at the sound, faced down at the mattress and put 2 pillows over his ears in attempt to block out the sound. WAY to early for this. he thought to himself. He sighed in relief when whoever had been calling him stopped and got sent to voicemail.

After a couple seconds his phone started ringing again, causing Harry to groan loudly. He eventually gave in and answered his phone without checking who had been calling.

"Hello?" he said groggily, using his free hand to cover his eyes slightly as they were still adjusting to the beaming sunlight that was slipping through his blinds.

"Harry! Fucking finally! I've been calling you all morning what are you doing?!" Liams voice echoed through the phone, making Harry slightly flinch at the loud voice.

"I was sleeping for fucks sake! You just woke me up dumbass! What is it what's wrong?"

The call went silent for a couple seconds, making Harry question if Liam had hung up for no apparent reason.

"You just woke up...." Liam echoed slowly, as if he were processing what Harry just said. "So you haven't been on you phone or online at all today?" Harry frowned to himself dropping his free hand in his lap.

"No...why? What happened?" He heard Liam sigh on the other end of the line.

"I think it's best if you find out for yourself, just remember i'm always here for you okay? Don't take anything to heart."

"Umm.... okay? I'll.. uh.. i'll call you later okay?" and without any word or waiting for Liams response he hung up. His anxiety was building up inside him as he used his touch ID to unlock the phone and quickly went online to see what was happening. As soon as he opened Twitter his feed was bombarded with headlines.

Louis Tomlinson spotted at a Cafe yesterday with potential new boyfriend?

Has Louis Tomlinson found himself a new Boy Toy?

After breakup with Instagram model Eleanor Calder 4 months ago Louis Tomlinson  seems to have found himself a rebound Boy?

Louis Tomlinsons new Boy Toy has been identified ! Follow us to find out who it is!

Tomlinson appears to have found himself a fresh piece of meat! Ashton Irwin, fellow classmate to college boy Harry Styles confirms Harry is in fact the boy from the paparazzi pictures.

An inside source confirms that Louis Tomlinsons new Boy Toy Harry Styles is in fact "a little bit of the school slut. He has affairs with everyone but never real relationships."

Has Louis Tomlinson been having affairs with college boy Harry Styles to get over his ex-girlfriend? Follow us to get more information on Louis' rebound boy!

Harrys eyes started to glisten with tears as his thumb scrolled through the hundreds of new headlines. He got up and started pacing around his room as his eyes roamed over all the sites.

Harry Styles.


Boy Toy.

School Slut.

All sorts of speculations and theories had been made in only the couple hours Harry had been asleep. As tears threatened to escape Harry quickly closed twitter only to see every other social media app he had had been bombarded with notifications.

A lump in his throat formed as a muffled sob escaped his lips. Harry threw his phone onto his bed and sank to his knees as he covered his face, crying.

The whole world knew who he was. The whole world now thought he was just some slut. But what was hurting most of all, is that now he knew he meant absolutely nothing to Louis. Louis was just using him, to eventually get in his pants. He didn't like Harry, he didn't even care about him. Harry felt horrible, he had been played. And everyone knew about it.

He fell to his side and curled into a ball, clutching his legs with hi arms. His sobs echoing through the otherwise silent apartment.


(A/N EEEK IM SO SORRYYYYYY, but it had to be done. Please please please vote if you're enjoying the story cause i need to know if people are actually enjoying it.)

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