Ice cream with Sam

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Sam’s Pov:

We returned home from the hospital. I told mom about Lia’s hand. She worried a lot on seeing her bandage wrapped hand. She comforted her in her arms for a while and asked her to take rest. My mom informed Steffy aunt about Lia’s hand and assured that she would take care of her.

I thought of an idea to cheer Lia up. I went to the nearby shop to buy ice cream for her. I wondered what her favourite flavour was. But a small instinct said that she might like Vanilla flavour. So I got a pack of Vanilla ice cream and a pack of butterscotch. Butterscotch was my favourite.

I returned home. I went straight to Lia’s room. She was on her bed talking over the phone to someone. She was on a video call with her mom.

“Hi, aunty!! How are you?”, I said, inserting myself into their conversation.

Hey Sam! I am good. Take care of Lia. See what she had done to her hand

“Yes aunty. She is so careless. Don’t worry, I will take care of her”, I assured her.

Lia told me you forced her to go to the hospital. You have done a brilliant job, Sam”. She looked worried. It must be hard for her to stay away from her daughter, especially after Lia got hurt. Lia saw the ice cream pack on my hand.

Ice cream!!”, Lia screamed at the top of her voice.

I guessed she might like ice cream. But I never knew she would be this crazy.

Maaa, I got to go. I am busy right now. Talk to you later”, she said in a hurry.

You will forget everything on seeing ice cream. Ok bye. Take care. Bye Sam”, she said, waving her hand.

We waved her back before ending the call. She examined the two packs in my hand. With no confusion, she picked the vanilla pack.

“I knew it”, I muttered to myself.

Why did you buy butterscotch? Keep that aside. Come, let’s eat this”, she said as she tried to open the box.

“You eat your favourite I will eat my favourite”, I said opening my pack.

She gave me a disgusting look. “I hate butterscotch. How did you find vanilla is my favourite?”

“I just guessed it”. I patted myself on my shoulder for guessing it right. I saw her struggling with her pack.

“Let me help you”, I said and took the pack from her.

“I will go get the spoon”, she said, getting up from the bed.

“Make it two”

Ohhh! So you won’t share your spoon with me?”, she said, her eyebrows pulling together in anger; her hand on her hip.

“It’s not like that. We are having different flavours. So let’s not mix it both”, I said after struggling for an answer.

She left after glaring at me for a few seconds. I opened her pack while she returned with the spoons.

What’s special? Why are you treating me with ice cream?”, she said, making herself comfortable on the bed.

“You had an awful day. So I thought of cheering you up”

That’s so sweet of you. You are surprising me with something new every day”, she said with a bright smile.

“It’s my pleasure”

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