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The feeling of coming to for the Swan was something indescribable. Blood rushed through her veins, cascading a feeling of sparks into her fingertips. Where she once felt pain, was now where she felt the lightest.

The thinly veiled covered sunlight poured through her pale and thinned eyelids, causing her to squint, although her eyes were already closed.

Everything surrounding her within the hospital room had a gentle vibration. The gentle gust of air that wafted it's way into the room tickled her skin, the machine attached to her chest and her fingers hummed, as if it were trying to reach out to her.

Murmurs filled her ears with the sound of rushing water, flower filled air making it's way into her lungs.

Emery could feel the imprintations on the hospital bed, hands hesitating to touch her, light laughter ringing through her ears.

Doors opened and closed, the sounds of footprints running towards her sounding like a stampede to her now sensitive ears.

The feeling of shaky hands running through her hair caused her body to snap and tense, her now heavy eyes trying to open.

"Bug? Can you hear me? Please, open your eyes." Cried out a deep voice, Emery's body relaxing as the familiar scent of leather and coffee blanketed her senses.

Brown eyes now mixed with green snapped open, but flinched and closed as her eyes met with the bright, florescent lights beaming back at her.

Laughter caught her attention as her body accustomed to being awake once again, allowing her eyes to open and meet the sight of her now smiling sister.

Bella beamed down at her, tears pooling in her eyes as her older sister took in her appearance. The lights that Rosalie attached to her hospital wall flickered as she took in a deep breath, emotion filling her at the sight of her family.

Emery found the strength in her to crack a smile, but began to frown as Bella began to break down. Tears began to fall torrentially from the younger Swan's eyes. The exhaustion and the toll of the threat of her almost losing her sister was finally off of her shoulders.


The sound of the nickname she hadn't been called since she was younger brought tears to her eyes, her hand clenching on the wilted flower.

Charlie sighed out and tightened his grip on her left hand, resting his upper body on the arm of her bed, his eyes shining.

"It's good to have you back, bug." He said in a soft tone, his eyes brighter than she's ever seen.

Emery whimpered out, tears rising to her eyes as her father grinned proudly down at her, before bringing her into a warm embrace.

Bella watched as her father and sister cried onto each other's shoulders, beginning to feel like everything would be okay.

Squinting and turning her head, the younger Swan watched, enraptured, as the dampened wind began to slow and the sun became more promiment as her sister smiled.

Emmett paused as he made his way towards the small school building, his golden eyes blinking wildly as he took in the way the sky brightened and the way the wind slowed. 

The students that walked near him seemed to brighten up as they walked in, the bell ringing for the final warning sounded as if it were a hum instead of a shrill. Fear began to fill him as he realized his surroundings were changing. Chimes of familiar laughter filled his ears, causing him to flinch back in fright. Instead of his ears beginning to ring from the loud sound, he was instead filled with warmth. The surprising feeling of hope made his eyes burn. His body tensed as his eyes took in the smell of blood.

6:14:19 → j. hale, a. cullenWhere stories live. Discover now