19; in which she harms

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Emery felt her hands automatically tighten against the door's handle, as the Cullen's ran toward the wolves that made their way through the opening of the woods. The sound of ragged breathing harshly filtered into her ears, overpowering the sounds of the other students in the cafeteria.

Fear shot through her as the wolves uncaringly made their way to the edge of the field, their narrowed eyes following every movement of the vampires in front of them.

"You aren't welcomed here. You're breaking treaty." The blonde vampire bit out, posture straightening and tensing as a familiar wolf made it's way down from behind it's pack.

Bella roughly shouldered the door open as Jacob came into view, knocking into her elder sister's shoulder and causing her bag's belongings to scatter all over the hardened pavements surface.

The sound caused Edward to turn around,  before hurrying over to stop Bella as she tried to make her way over.

"This isn't the right time." Edward pleaded to his mate, his cold arm forcing Bella to stay in place. Bella glared over her shoulder and tried to duck, but the fight was useless. Her frown deepened as she took in the fight that she knew was going to come. 

Emery forced herself to move and focus on her items despite it all, her knees knocking together painfully as she lowered herself to grab onto her dropped items. Her shaky cold hands gripped onto her pencil case, before her eyes widened as a voice rang throughout the tense air.

"There is no treaty when there are mate's involved. You of all people should know that." Said a strong voice, causing Emery to raise her head and look towards the commanding voice. Sam made his way through his pack, his bare feet roughly connecting to the damp soil. Emery jumped as the emblem resting against her chest began to warm. Instead of the painful heat that once evaded against her chilled skin, the warmth brought her a sense of safety.  

Emery let out a small cry, her hand scraping against a jagged rock as she tried to reach for her discarded books. Red began to cover the middle of her palm, causing the closest vampire to her, Edward, to tense and hold back his fangs.

Paul's eyes connected with the kneeling Swan, causing him to falter in his step, before continuing down the field and standing in front of his pack.

Bella forced herself to calm as she watched the werewolf eye her sister with a pained look, leaning against Edward helplessly. Edward held onto the hand that gripped his bicep to comfort his mate, but let go as she tried to escape once again.

Alice drew in a deep breath as she took in the distraught look on her mate's face. Jasper tensed as her emotions moved towards him, his stomach churning as he realized that Emery stood only a few yards away. Frustration swam through Jasper, knowing that he was unable to fully protect her because he could not smell her scent. Alice gripped onto his hand and forced herself to stand tall, as the werewolves watched them with distaste. 

"You know what we're here for. We have waited long enough."

Jasper's eyes narrowed as he heard the threatening tone in the wolf's voice. The vampire opened his mouth to argue, but was stopped by his brother placing a hand on his shaking shoulder.

"This isn't the right time, she doesn't know yet." Emmett spoke out in the tense air, his worry evident on his face. "She doesn't know about us yet, give us more time."

The plead in his voice caused the wolf to his right to growl out in warning, pausing only after his alpha sent him a sharp look.

"How much more time? She's dying. She will not fulfill what she needs to with you all trying to protect her. You are making it worse. She needs to know now." Sam's voice deepened, his shoulders shaking as he held himself back from fully shifting. "You're making it worse. Do I need to remind you of what will come, again?"

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