Chapter 21

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Ashton's Pov ,

All I think about  was that it is all my fault that Tina has been kidnapped. It's all because of me that she was in our life to begin with. I knew this could happen than too I never mentioned the risks of getting involved with me and taking the role of Drew's mother. Speaking of Drew he has become a shell of the baby I know. It's been 3 long days of trying to locate her. we have gotten the police involved  and I have also hired a private investigator so that we can locate her as early as possible and I can kill those fuckers myself.

Drew ran towards me with what looks like a cell phone. "what's that you got big guy?"

"Momma's Phone, she said to give this to you if she is not here." and then he just hugged me trying to find the comfort which only Tina can provide.

But we both know that it is impossible, as I was trying to think that why would Tina wanted me to have her phone and what did Drew mean if I was not here.

I looked down when I heard a small snore and could not help a smile that threatens to take place on my face while looking at his innocent face. one of the two person I can die and I would die happily.

I opened her phone and saw what seems like a note which opened.

When I tried to see what that is all about at first I became confused and then a smile took its place  and I could not help but realise that Tina is nothing short of genius as she has sort of already figured out that if in the case of something short of anything happens everything would be easy and we would not have any problem in finding her.

I started reading what she has written and was proud of everything she has done for Drew and me and that is nothing short of awesome and commendable and all I was thinking that I want to marry her as soon as possible which means we have to found her.

The message she has written was as follows which I have rushed to show the police in order for us to find her as soon as possible and I could not help but be turned on with everything she has done and feel ashamed that all she has done is wearing the pants in this relationship and I am nothing but a princess who was sitting on his ass to be rescued from everything bad which was happening in my life.

Ash I know you would be feeling like you are the worst person on this entire planet thinking that you have the worst luck as the things which had been happening with you for the past some months wherein first you lost Drew's nanny and then found me on the bench in the park where things just felt like that they are falling in place and then all things started going downhill from there. The fights with everyone and then Victoria showing out of the blue and saying that she wanted to be a part of yours and Drew's life stating that how she has missed you and wants to be the family she thought is hers which was a joke to begin with because let me be clear on somethings. First you and Drew are both mine and nobody can take you both from me . Drew is my baby and you are my boyfriend to whom i cannot wait to be my husband baby (I really want you to propose I would do that if I didn't know that you would feel that you are balls on the table and not attached with a certain anatomy of yours.) ok on some serious matters I was having some doubts regarding whatever was happening with us these past few days and I contacted my father who I should mention is a Marine and can help you with a lot of things in locating me so you should really contact him. Show him this message and tell him everything take Drew with you it will help you various levels as my dad is a sucker for kids and will love Drew like he is one of his. he owns a security company and with the help of my brother can help you in finding me.

Hope to meet you soon , oh and well I have gotten a tracker installed in me by a small surgery in case anything like this happens. So find me and tell Drew that I love him and can't wait to meet him again. I love you Drew and am waiting for you to come and rescue me My Prince Charming.

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