Chapter 23

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The main question which I always and I mean always thought is that how to choose between chocolates or ice cream. I mean common both have some very good pros and we are not talking about the creaminess of ice cream and the gooeyness of chocolate. And that is the amount of the bore I am. I thought that these people have brought me here and they might have some things thought through that what they want to do with me or what Victoria would do to me once she got to know that they have given me quite a beautiful room instead of the cellar in which she wanted me to through.

I think Jack does not want to be a part of all the scheming which she has been doing. All he was a puppet for her and nothing else. Once she cheated with him on Ash she thought that she can marry Cory now. But all those thoughts went down the drain once Cory's dad has gotten the wind to this information and he wrote his son out of his will and told Cory to get his act together before he can became a CEO of Anderson Corporation, and I mean I am very happy to tell that I am very proud of his dad.

All Cory wanted to play at that time and nothing more but now Victoria has played her lies like that Cory thought in helping her he would be getting his best friend back. When I set him straight about all the facts that I am indeed the love of Ash's and the mother of Drew he was very ashamed to what he have done to Ash and especially Drew. I am thinking that I will talk to Drew about all this and will try everything which is in me to help Ash and Cory become good friends as well.

But that is something to think about later. I know that Drew must have given my phone to Ash and he and dad would have  come up with a plan in how to get me out of here and back to Ash.

The door opening gets me out of my thoughts and the face of a smiling Cory is all I can see. He might have thought of a way of getting me out of here and capturing  Victoria instead.

" Yes Cory " and he started grinning like a loon. 

I just raised my eyebrow to him and word vomited everything to me. He is going to get a confession out of Victoria by playing his rookie and pretending that he fell in love with her and all the information in kidnapping me so that we can lock her in police cells for as long as possible.

Just then, we heard a thud downstairs and the sound of gun fires along with the people falling. Victoria came in the room her eyes wide and all I can see is crazy and  nothing more. She grabbed me and put a gun on my head and dragged me downstairs totally forgetting Cory to whom I just give an eyebrow and he got my message . And we know villains are not that great and they do love to sing like a canary about all the shit they have put us through like they have done something awesome for us.

That is exactly she did in front of dad and Ash and also Jack and all I was praying is that Cory has gotten everything on his phone as proof.

Ash was panicking and trying to get to me but I just shook my head at  him and looked straight in the eye of dad and he got my message loud and clear. Everything happened in the matter of seconds and if you blinked you would not get my awesomeness in which i head bump Victoria when she was lusting over Ash and in that exact moment Jack shot Victoria's hand and the gun fell from her hand and I got the gun and pointed it on Vic's head.

When Victoria sees that her goons are nit helping her she became hysteric and then I told her...

"Victoria they are with me I have told them that I would get dad to help them so that they can get there life changed and can live a happy and respected lives'. Dad was looking at me very proudly and then I turned towards Cory and told him to send the entire confession to both dad and Ash.

All the police officers filled later on and after that they took Victoria in custody.

I ran in Ash's arm stating that I want to marry him and he should propose to me very soon and all dad could do is laugh. And Cory helped me very much so you should give your friendship a chance again.

All he could do is laugh and say that we should go to our son and I could not agree more.

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