Chapter 41

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Aiden's Point of view

Yesterday was an extremely hectic day. Unfortunately, the meeting lasted longer than I would have preferred.

It consisted with us planning and negotiating for hours extended past the normal business opening hours.

Exhaustion was an understatement.

While I was leaving the meeting, I was surprised to see a message from Ava, not wanting to waste time I rushed to her place.

I had not been in my office since yesterday since I had to rush to the meeting. Immediately as I entered, I caught a glimpse of the photos that where left on top of the cabinet. I made my way to the direction they were.

Standing in front of the cabinet I picked up the pile of freshly printed out photos sitting on top of the white cabinet not sitting long enough to start collecting dust.

With my briefcase in my left hand and the pictures in the other I appeared in front of my desk.

I made myself comfortable on the desk before looking through the pictures.

He did as was instructed of him and printed out the ones that I thought looked the best. Individually I examined them.

I stopped when I reached the picture at the bottom of the pile. The last picture took me off guard, it was a picture of Ava as she was getting out of her apartment on one occasion.

It was extremely similar with the picture I had seen on one of the various magazines that were orchestrating all types of lies about Ava and I.

With anger knowing that I have another clue as to what was going on, I rang Maxwell.

As the phone was ringing, I tried calming the anger I felt growing inside of me. I don't want him to know what is going on until he is in my office.

'Hello' his raspy voice spoke through the phone as if he had just woken up.

'Maxwell, I want you in my office. I have a few things to discuss about the pictures you printed out'

'Sir, I will be there right away give me less than ten minutes' Maxwell exclaimed and by the sound of the noise in the background it seemed he was just getting out of bed.

'Alright Maxwell see you here at my office in ten minutes' I ended the call not waiting to hear his response.

I had a feeling he was involved in this in some way or another, but I didn't think finding a possible trace would be this easy.

He had carelessly left evidence for me to suspect he has a hand in all of this. I hired him for a chance like this one and now I have it.

I rearranged the pictures to hide the one of Ava. I want him to think we are going to discuss our business arrangements further.

After a few minutes had gone by, I heard a knock on the door. Knowing exactly who it was I instructed the person to come in.

As soon as I gave that said person permission the door opened to reveal an excited and joyful Maxwell.

He closed the door immediately and hurried to the table in which I was sat at.

'Mr. Morgan, I got here as soon as I could. I didn't want you to wait any longer'

'Maxwell, nice of you to come. Please have a seat'

Once he was fully seated and had placed his portfolio beside him, I started 'Maxwell, I inspected a few pictures but not all. I want you to be here while I look through them then we can discuss further'

Mr. CEO & Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें